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Four injured in accident during overtaking on A623

A young man is driving fast in his car. Whenever someone tries to overtake him, he has no time to brake. An accident occurs. There is also a child on board.

Several people are injured in an accident.
Several people are injured in an accident.

Driven too fast - Four injured in accident during overtaking on A623

At an accident on the A623 in Saarbrucken, four people were injured - two of them severely. A 37-year-old man overtook a car in the afternoon, but his car was rammed from behind, according to the police. The car was then pushed against the median strip and collided with a tree. The driver sustained light injuries, but his 27-year-old female passenger was seriously injured.

The 27-year-old driver of the oncoming vehicle, according to witness statements, was driving too fast and couldn't brake in time. After the collision, his car hit a traffic sign and two trees. The driver was also seriously injured, and his 24-year-old female passenger was lightly injured. There was also a two-year-old child in the car. The child remained unharmed. All the injured were taken to the hospital.

The road was closed for approximately four hours after the accident, near the Herrensohr exit, according to police reports.

The authorities in Saarland decided to implement an automatic traffic light system at intersections to prevent similar accidents in the future. The traffic was heavily affected due to the accident on the A623, causing a delay for commuters in Saarbrucken. The police have urged drivers to obey speed limits and follow traffic rules to ensure road safety.

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