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Foundation: Sanitation of Friedenstein is a mammoth task

Sanitation during operation: The construction activity at Schloss Friedenstein is noticeable to visitors. A new exhibition provides insights into the complex work.

Sanitation is a mammoth task
Sanitation is a mammoth task

PeaceScalar - Foundation: Sanitation of Friedenstein is a mammoth task

The ongoing fundamental renovation of Schloss Friedenstein in Gotha, which has been running for years, is making good progress according to the Thuringian Castles and Gardens Foundation's assessment. The entire complex is being comprehensively renovated with 110 Million Euro from the Federal and State governments while it remains in operation. Currently, the focus of experts is on the West Wing and the West Tower.

After the completion of the renovation of the West Wing roof in 2021, a new staircase with an elevator, toilets, and operational spaces are being built there now. Preparations are being made for the renovation and restoration of the West Wing's interior spaces. Future uses for the first floor and parts of the ground floor for museum purposes are planned.

Hercules' Labor for Restoration Experts

"We have a mammoth task at Schloss Friedenstein," said Foundation Director Doris Fischer. In total, it involves a building with 21,000 square meters of floor area and around 1,000 windows. During the planning phase, 700 rooms were inventoried and examined. Besides works in the West and East Wings, static securities in the North Wing, and the renewal of building and safety technology, efforts are being made.

According to the architect and head of the construction department of the Foundation, Silvia Wagner, the damages to Schloss Friedenstein's structure are immense. The causes include overloading and incorrect renovations since the 17th century. Decay and pest infestation also contribute to the deterioration of the masonry.

During the renovation works, every effort is made to minimize the restrictions. "Significant parts of the castle are accessible and usable during the construction works," said Wagner.

Million-dollar investments and insights into the construction works

The renovation measures initiated in 2018 build on extensive investments by the Thuringian Castles and Gardens Foundation since taking over the property in 2004. Around 30 Million Euro have been invested in Schloss Friedenstein according to the information. A new exhibition in the Old Mint in the basement of the West Wing offers a glimpse behind the scenes of the complex construction process.

In the construction site exhibition "Elephant Thuringia," visitors can learn a lot about the history of the castle, the renovation, and the important figures surrounding Schloss Friedenstein. A virtual tour of the Friedenstein Foundation Gotha through the grand rooms of the West Wing is also possible. Admission to the exhibition is free.

The exhibit in the Old Mint, located in the basement of the West Wing, provides visitors with a fascinating insight into the historical background of Schloss Friedenstein and the ongoing renovation process. This is part of the larger project that has seen the Thuringian Castles and Gardens Foundation invest approximately 30 Million Euro into Schloss Friedenstein since 2004.

The "Elephant Thuringia" construction site exhibition is a must-visit for anyone interested in the restoration of the iconic Schloss Friedenstein in Gotha. It offers a detailed exploration of the castle's history, the renovation efforts, and the key figures associated with its preservation.

The ongoing renovation of Schloss Friedenstein in Thuringia's Gotha is not just a monumental task, but also an opportunity to educate the public about the importance of preserving historical landmarks. The exhibitions and renovations, including the focus on the West Wing and the West Tower, are all part of this broader mission.

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