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Foul consequence: Energy reaction to Reese accusation

Fabian Reese will not tolerate insults from Cottbus fans. With his statement, he provokes a reaction from FC Energie. The conflict goes beyond the berating of the Berliner.

Reese demands fairness from others after his injury - particularly off the field.
Reese demands fairness from others after his injury - particularly off the field.

Soccer - Foul consequence: Energy reaction to Reese accusation

Christian Fiel spoke for over twelve minutes after Hertha BSC's 1:0 test win against NEC Nijmegen about the preparation, positioning, and fatigue. In response to a fan's call, "Next year, promotion, or?", the trainer of the Berliner Football Second League team replied quickly, "Definitely!".

However, what really stirs up the Berliners did not take place in the Silver City Arena in Schwaz, Tirol, but hundreds of kilometers to the north, between Cottbus and Charite.

Hertha's star player Fabian Reese sent an emotional Social Media statement for more sports spirit and fairness, against crude hatred and insults following his severe ankle injury. The third-league football club FC Energie did not leave this unanswered, criticized Reese for a false claim, and demanded "a reasonable balance between objectivity and emotionality" in return.

The relationship between both clubs and especially that of Reese to Energie can be described as severely damaged following the brutal foul by Filip Kusic. Reese, Hertha's difference-maker, million-dollar investment, and emotional leader, has been out for weeks following his foot surgery. That's a medical fact.

Perhaps the topic would have been resolved several days after the 2:2 test in Lausitz by then. A foul, an injury, football after all. But Reese is someone who expresses his opinion and has the ability to articulate it forcefully.

"I would like to say a few more things with some distance," he began his statements. "Let us not use hatred as a vent in football. Let us work together and push our teams forward and let football thrive."

Insulting comments from Energie fans

Exactly what happened? According to Reese, he was heavily insulted by Energie fans as he walked to the dressing room after the foul. "When you then pass by the opposing fans in the dressing room and receive dozens of shouts like 'sissy', 'son of a whore' and even worse insults in your head, we distance ourselves from this toxic environment," the 26-year-old noted.

Energie officially apologized for the offensive words of their fans. The problem at the club has been known for years. Reese's lifestyle, which includes having his fingernails painted, embraces diversity, and is a laid-back, open person, is diametrically opposed to the worldview of many fans of the Lausitz club.

The core of the conflict: The native Kiel native Reese represents the colorful Berlin, Energie resists the stigmatization as a problem club. Helpful in these efforts were neither the again defaming fan behavior nor Kusic's behavior, who, according to his employer, had to endure hate comments on the internet.

Energie: Sincere apology

The Cottbusers were adamant about one point. They could not accept the Reese accusation that there was no apology from Kusic after the rough and excessive foul play. "The defender of FC Energie went specifically to Fabian Reese during the first break of the test match to personally apologize," the Brandenburgers wrote on their homepage. They wished Reese "once again our best wishes for a speedy recovery and a stronger comeback".

Over Reese spoke about Feil in the question-and-answer session at the Austrian training camp as well - to be precise, about several alternative options. Derry Scherhant, Gustav Christensen, Palko Dardai could operate on the left wing. "If Fabi isn't fit by then and he won't be, someone will play in that position," said Feil, looking ahead to the season opener in two weeks. "The competition will be tough," assured the Hertha coach.

  1. Christian Feël, the trainer of Hertha BSC Berlin's Second Bundesliga team, discussed preparation, positioning, and fatigue after their 1:0 test win against NEC Nijmegen.
  2. Despite the victory, the controversial topic involving Fabian Reese and FC Energie Cottbus took the spotlight, happening not in Tirol, but in Brandenburg.
  3. Following his severe ankle injury, Reese, Hertha's star player, released an emotional statement on social media, advocating for sports spirit and fairness, opposing crude hatred and insults.
  4. In response, FC Energie Cottbus criticized Reese for a false claim and demanded "a reasonable balance between objectivity and emotionality."
  5. The heated relationship between both clubs and particularly Reese with Energie has worsened since Filip Kusic's brutal foul, causing Reese's weeks-long absence after foot surgery.
  6. Reese's emotional response about the incident included a plea for football to avoid using hatred as an outlet, advocating for teamwork and progress while allowing the sport to thrive.
  7. During his walk to the dressing room after the foul, Reese reported being heavily insulted by Energie fans, who shouted at him with offensive words like 'sissy' and 'son of a whore.'
  8. Energie officially apologized for the offensive words of their fans, acknowledging it as a long-standing problem in the club, as Reese's diverse lifestyle and beliefs do not align with many of their supporters' worldviews.

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