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Forest fire danger in Brandenburg is rising

The forest fire season in Brandenburg has so far run without major damage. However, the danger is not banned.

The forest fire risk in Brandenburg is rising again.
The forest fire risk in Brandenburg is rising again.

forest fire danger - Forest fire danger in Brandenburg is rising

The risk of forest fires in Brandenburg will significantly increase by Sunday, according to the German Weather Service (DWD). The DWD predicts that in three quarters of the weather stations, a high danger level will be reached, as stated on the DWD website. This is the second highest danger level out of five. At some weather stations, only a medium danger level will apply, which is the third highest level. According to the Forest Ministry, the forest fire danger was almost medium-high everywhere on Sunday, except in the Elbe-Elster district in the south, where it was high.

However, the forest fire danger will decrease rapidly on Monday, according to the forecast. The Weather Service expects strong thunderstorms with heavy rain, gusty winds, and hail on Sunday, warning of thunderstorm danger. For Monday, there is a possibility of localized showers and thunderstorms in some areas.

The forest fire season in Brandenburg has so far run relatively smoothly

The forest fire season in Brandenburg has run relatively smoothly so far this year. According to the Forest Ministry, the forest fire area registered by July 10 was only 14 hectares, compared to 765 hectares in the previous year. Brandenburg, with little rain, extensive pine forests, and light sandy soils, is the federal state with the highest forest fire risk.

Throughout the year, it is forbidden, according to the Environment Ministry, to light or smoke a fire in the forest or within 50 meters of the forest edge.

  1. Despite Brandenburg's high forest fire risk due to its dry conditions, extensive pine forests, and light sandy soils, the forest fire season has run relatively smoothly.
  2. The German Weather Service (DWD) has predicted a significant increase in forest fire risk in Brandenburg by Sunday, with three quarters of weather stations reaching a high danger level.
  3. Contrasting the increased risk, Monday's forecast indicates a rapid decrease in forest fire danger due to expected strong thunderstorms with heavy rain, gusty winds, and hail.
  4. The Forest Ministry advises that, despite the relatively calm forest fire season, it is forbidden to light or smoke a fire in the forest or within 50 meters of the forest edge, throughout the year, according to the Environment Ministry.
  5. The forest fire danger was almost medium-high everywhere in Brandenburg on Sunday, except in the Elbe-Elster district in the south, where it was high, according to the Forest Ministry.
  6. The DWD website states that a high danger level is the second-highest out of five levels, indicating that although the risk is high, it is not the most severe category.

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