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Flute during the expansion of wind energy in Thuringia

In the expansion of wind energy, Thueringen lags behind among the states. No new wind turbine was added in the first half of the year in the Free State.

In the first half of the year, there was a standstill in the expansion of wind energy in Thuringia.
In the first half of the year, there was a standstill in the expansion of wind energy in Thuringia.

Renewable Energy - Flute during the expansion of wind energy in Thuringia

The expansion of wind energy in Thuringia has come to a standstill in the past few months. No new wind energy installations were built in the free state during the first half of the year, according to the Federal Wind Energy Association. At the same time, six installations with a capacity of nine Megawatts were dismantled from January to June. Therefore, there were 863 wind energy installations in Thuringia with a capacity of 1.820 Megawatts at the end of June.

Nationwide, a total of 250 new wind energy installations were built in the first half of 2024, with a total capacity of 1.308 Megawatts. This was 19% less than in the previous year-end period. The leading state in Germany was North Rhine-Westphalia. There, 249 Megawatts more capacity was generated through new construction (subtracting decommissioning). In addition to Thuringia, no new installations were built in the Saarland, as well as in Berlin, Bremen and Hamburg.

The number of approved wind turbines in Germany that have not yet been implemented, according to the Federal Wind Energy Association, increased by 32% to 847. According to the Thuringian Ministry of Economy and Technology, six projects with a total of 20 installations were approved in the first half of the year in the Free State. In addition, a series of approval procedures were ongoing.

  1. Despite the standstill in wind energy expansion in Erfurt, the Federal Association Wind Energy reported a nationwide increase of 250 new installations in the first half of 2024.
  2. The Federal Wind Energy Association also noted an increase in the number of approved wind turbines in Germany that have not been implemented, reaching 847 as of mid-year.
  3. Thuringia, known as the Free State, approved six projects with a total of 20 wind energy installations during the first half of the year, indicating potential future growth.
  4. Berlin, like Thuringia and Saarland, saw no new wind energy installations built in the first half of 2024, hindering the country's overall renewable energy expansion.
  5. The expansion of wind energy in Thuringia includes the dismantling of six installations with a capacity of nine Megawatts during the first six months of the year.
  6. The Federal Association Wind Energy highlighted that the total capacity of new wind energy installations nationwide decreased by 19% compared to the previous year-end period, pointing to challenges in the sector.

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