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Floods: Rhine and Danube particularly affected

Rainfall and thaw are causing water levels to rise in parts of Germany. This is likely to continue in the coming days.

The riverside meadow at Kaltenengers is flooded by the high water of the Rhine.
The riverside meadow at Kaltenengers is flooded by the high water of the Rhine.

Weather - Floods: Rhine and Danube particularly affected

Plus temperatures and rain are causing rivers to rise in parts of Germany. The situation is particularly tense on some Bavarian waterways and on the Rhine from Baden-Württemberg to North Rhine-Westphalia.

On the Danube and south of it, the Bavarian flood information service expects water levels to rise even further - reporting level three could be reached. This means that individual built-up properties or cellars could be flooded and local traffic routes may have to be closed. On the other hand, there is good news from the rivers north of the Danube, as the water levels are falling here.

But the Rhine is rising. Navigation has already been suspended near Karlsruhe, according to the flood reporting service of the Rhineland-Palatinate State Office for the Environment.

Downstream, in Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, ships are only allowed to travel at a slower speed and in the middle of the river, according to the responsible authorities. Towns along the river have initiated protective measures: Promenades and parks have been closed and parking bans imposed near the river.

In Saxony-Anhalt, water levels are also expected to rise further, with the Dumme near Tylsen and the Ohre near Wolmirstedt currently at alert level two out of four.

Read also:

  1. The bad weather conditions in Rhineland-Palatinate are contributing to the rising water levels on the Rhine, affecting Shipping operations.
  2. Despite the harsh weather, the water levels are decreasing in Rivers north of the Danube, providing some relief.
  3. In Karlsruhe, located in Baden-Württemberg, the Shipping on the Rhine has been suspended due to the high Water level.
  4. The flooding situation on the Danube is critical, with the Bavarian flood information service predicting a level three, which could submerge individual properties and close local traffic routes.
  5. Despite the challenging weather in NRW, waters are not experiencing the same rise as in Rhineland-Palatinate and Bavaria.
  6. The city of Munich, located in Bavaria, has also been affected by the heavy Rain, contributing to the river flooding.
  7. The state of Saxony-Anhalt is also on alert, with the Dumme near Tylsen and the Ohre near Wolmirstedt currently at level two, threatening potential flooding.
  8. The flood reporting service of the Rhineland-Palatinate State Office for the Environment has issued warnings for the Rhine, urging precautions and slower Shipping speed.
  9. The weather in Germany continues to pose challenges, with plusgrade temperatures and rain causing concern in various parts of Bavaria, NRW, and Baden-Württemberg.


