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Flood situation continues - Lower Saxony particularly affected

While in some regions of Lower Saxony there has been a slight easing of the flood situation, elsewhere the water levels are still rising. The floods are still keeping the state on tenterhooks today.

Volunteers from the THW and DLRG fortify a dyke in Lower Saxony.
Volunteers from the THW and DLRG fortify a dyke in Lower Saxony.

Storm - Flood situation continues - Lower Saxony particularly affected

The flood situation continues to keep Germany, and Lower Saxony in particular, on tenterhooks today. Numerous water gauges continued to indicate the highest warning level on the rivers. In addition, rain showers moved across the north again during the night.

In the districts of Lüchow-Dannenberg and Verden, officials do not expect water levels to fall until the New Year. The situation on the Aller continued to be critical: in Verden/Aller, the water continued to rise, as the district fire department announced on Friday evening. The town of Celle and the neighboring municipality of Winsen/Aller also warned of power supply and mobile phone network outages due to the flood situation, as the water level of the Aller is expected to rise further. Fire departments, administration and aid organizations were constantly monitoring the development of the situation.

In Lilienthal (Osterholz district), directly on the state border with Bremen, the situation remains tense, the Stade fire and rescue control center announced late Friday evening via an official hazard information. People are still not allowed to enter areas that have already been evacuated. Several streets in the municipality are without power. Further south in Hanover, the water levels of the Leine and Ihme rivers have dropped - but the emergency services have not yet given the all-clear.

Situation could worsen again

According to estimates by the State Agency for Water Management, Coastal Defence and Nature Conservation, the water levels downstream of the Weser will continue to rise. It is therefore not yet possible to speak of an easing of the situation, particularly in the lower reaches of the Middle Weser. In view of the expected rain, Interior Minister Daniela Behrens (SPD) expects the flood situation to worsen in some regions in the coming days, as she said in an interview with Deutschlandfunk radio on Friday. According to the German Weather Service, the rain is expected to subside somewhat from Saturday to Sunday morning.

The Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) is preparing to work in the flood areas into the first week of January. "It's quite clear that this will continue over the turn of the year," THW President Sabine Lackner told the German Press Agency in Berlin on Friday. "What worries us most is the condition of the dykes." They are massively softened. Around 1,000 emergency personnel are on the move in the affected areas every day.

Disaster tourists cause problems

The city of Celle appealed to people to take closures seriously and only travel to the city if absolutely necessary. "Growing 'flood tourism' and traffic are preventing rescue workers from getting through in many places." The Verden fire department also reported disruptive disaster tourists. The district of Osterholz also fears that there will be many onlookers in the flood area on New Year's Eve.

Numerous districts once again appealed not to enter dykes, as they are softened and could be damaged. In the city of Oldenburg, there is a ban on entering dykes, which is punishable by a fine of up to 5000 euros.

Further restrictions on the railroad

Due to the weather and the floods, rail travelers must be prepared for delays and line closures for longer than planned. The connection between Oldenburg and Osnabrück is still restricted due to the flooding, said a spokeswoman for Nordwestbahn on Friday.

Meanwhile, the water levels at the reservoirs in the Harz Mountains continue to fall. No more water is currently being released via the emergency overflow, according to a spokesperson for the Harz waterworks. However, the situation is still tense as there is still too much water in the reservoirs. Harzwasserwerke is hoping for dry weather so that the reservoirs can continue to be drained and flood protection can be guaranteed.

Read also:

  1. Despite the ongoing flood situation, water levels in Hanover's Leine and Ihme rivers have begun to drop, but emergency services have not yet given the all-clear.
  2. In Lower Saxony, particularly Lüchow-Dannenberg and Verden, officials anticipate the water levels to remain high until the New Year, due to the critical situation on the Aller river.
  3. Officials in Celle and Winsen/Aller warned of potential power supply and mobile phone network outages as a result of the flood situation, with the Aller's water level expected to rise further.
  4. The situation in Lilienthal (Osterholz district), near the border with Bremen, remains tense, with several streets without power and residents not permitted to enter evacuated areas.
  5. The German Weather Service (DWD) expects rain to subside somewhat from Saturday to Sunday morning, but interior minister Behrens expects the flood situation to worsen in some regions in the coming days.
  6. THW is preparing to work in flood areas well into the first week of January, with around 1,000 emergency personnel working daily in the affected areas.
  7. The area around Oldenburg has a ban on entering dykes, punishable by a fine of up to 5,000 euros, due to their softened condition and risk of damage.
  8. Rail travelers should be prepared for delays and line closures, as the connection between Oldenburg and Osnabrück remains restricted due to flooding.
  9. Despite the falling water levels at Harz Mountains' reservoirs, Harzwasserwerke is still worried about too much water in the reservoirs and hopes for dry weather to ensure flood protection.
  10. Disaster tourists are causing problems for rescue workers in flood-affected areas, with closeurs in Celle and Verden not being taken seriously and traffic disruptions due to growing flood tourism.
  11. The district of Osterholz also anticipates many onlookers in the flood area on New Year's Eve, which may further complicate rescue efforts.
  12. The State Agency for Water Management, Coastal Defence and Nature Conservation believes water levels downstream of the Weser will continue to rise, meaning that easing of the situation is not yet in sight.




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