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Five investigation procedures after stop of Right-Concert

Two far-right bands were supposed to perform - but the police prevented the concert in Bopfingen. After forbidden symbols were found on attendees, the authorities are investigating further.

After the police dispersed a right-wing extremist concert in Bopfingen, the authorities are now...
After the police dispersed a right-wing extremist concert in Bopfingen, the authorities are now investigating.

Criminality - Five investigation procedures after stop of Right-Concert

After the police disbanded a concert of the far-right scene in a business area in Bopfingen (Ostalbkreis), authorities are investigating five participants. For four people, prohibited symbols were found, in one case a prohibited butterfly knife, as a spokesperson for the Aalen Police Presidium stated. The spokesperson made no further comments on the symbols.

Since performing musicians were assessed as far-right extremist by the Constitutional Protection before the concert, the officers had expected that criminal offenses could occur. The performances of the two bands were banned and an entry ban was issued.

According to the Interior Ministry, the number of far-right extremist music events in the past ten years had been in the low to mid-range annually. Due to a coronavirus-related decline, security authorities had recently become aware of an increased number and above all, clandestinely held far-right extremist music events. The lyrics contained frequent calls to fight against the existing order and verbal attacks on its representatives. Similarly, there were incitements against migrants, Jews, or homosexuals.

  1. The investigative proceedings against the five individuals from the disbanded concert in Bopfingen's industrial area extend beyond Ostalbkreis, as they are suspected of having links to far-right extremist groups in the neighboring district of Aalen.
  2. The discovery of prohibited music symbols and a butterfly knife at the concert in Bopfingen has raised concerns about a growing trend of criminality and extremism in the music scene of Baden-Württemberg.
  3. In response to the increased number of clandestine far-right extremist music events, the police have stepped up their surveillance in industrial areas and other potential venues in an effort to prevent potential violations of the law and protect public safety.
  4. The police in Baden-Württemberg have called on musicians, event organizers, and venue owners to be vigilant and report any suspected far-right extremist activities, as these events can contribute to a dangerous and intolerant environment.
  5. The authorities in Ostalbkreis and Aalen have emphasized that they will not tolerate any form of extremism or criminality, and have vowed to take swift and decisive action against any individuals or groups involved in far-right music events or other forms of extremist activity.

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