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First-graders can sail for free during the holidays

Bavarian students up to 17 years old can sail for free with ferry boats on several Bavarian lakes during summer holidays.

Bavarian students with a '1' in their report cards can sail for free on several Bavarian lakes...
Bavarian students with a '1' in their report cards can sail for free on several Bavarian lakes during the summer holidays. (Archive photo)

offer - First-graders can sail for free during the holidays

With a "1" in their report card, Bavarian students can sail for free with the Linienschiffen of the Bavarian Seenschifffahrt during the summer holidays. This offer applies to students up to 17 years old and includes the Königssee, Starnberger See, Ammersee, and Tegernsee, according to the Bavarian Finance and Home Ministry in Munich on Monday.

The free sailings are possible between Monday, July 29, and Monday, September 9. No registration is required, the ministry stated. The condition for the free rides is that students are accompanied by a full-paying family member. They must present their report card in original or copy at the cashier.

Free train rides for single students

First-graders, whose report cards have no grades, can sail for free with Linienschiffen of the Bavarian Seenschifffahrt during the holidays if they have reached their class goal. Students attending a school with a focus on intellectual development also have free passage in the summer holidays. The condition is that a full-paying family member travels with them.

On the first holiday day, July 29, students with a "1" in their report card in Bavaria can also travel for free by train.

  1. During their summer vacation, many Bavarian students enjoy leisure activities such as sailing on the Starnberger Lake, thanks to the free rides offered by the Bavarian Seenschifffahrt.
  2. This year, the Battleship game was a popular choice among friends for their leisure time during the summer vacation in Bavaria.
  3. The ministry's announcement about the free rides on Linienschiffen during the summer vacation sparked excitement among students who planned to visit Lake Ammersee.
  4. After seeing the stunning views of Bavaria from the ship, a tourist sharing their testimony praised the Bavarian Finance and Home Ministry for the summer vacation offer.
  5. Despite not feeling like sailing on the Tegernsee during her summer vacation, Emma decided to take advantage of the free sailing offer for students to experience the ship's charm.
  6. During the summer vacation, the local shipping company operators in Bavaria noticed an increase in the number of students utilizing their services, especially on the Königssee.
  7. For those in love with the water, a visit to the picturesque King's Lake during the summer vacation is an absolute must while exploring the beauty of Bavaria.

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