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First clinics reintroduce mandatory masks

Too many respiratory diseases

Respiratory diseases are currently on the rise again in
Respiratory diseases are currently on the rise again in

First clinics reintroduce mandatory masks

Wherever you look at the moment, Germany is coughing. Doctors and hospital representatives are therefore appealing to at-risk groups to get vaccinated against the flu, but also against Covid-19. Some clinics are also relying on a tried-and-tested remedy for the coronavirus pandemic. Virologist Hendrick Streeck rejects it.

With almost seven million people currently suffering from respiratory diseases, more and more hospitals are once again making masks compulsory. At Tübingen University Hospital, for example, masks have been compulsory for visitors, outpatients and employees in direct contact with patients for just under a week. The university hospital in Marburg is also making masks compulsory for all patients and visitors. In addition, visiting opportunities are being restricted: Each patient can only be visited by one person for one hour per day.

Hendrik Streeck, Director of the Institute of Virology at the University Hospital Bonn, believes the restrictions go too far. A short-term mask requirement for high-risk areas, such as the cancer ward, could make sense. "However, it is questionable whether a mask requirement should be imposed across the board for the entire hospital," Streeck told Welt am Sonntag.

The virologist also considers restricted visiting times to be inappropriate. "People receive serious diagnoses, are afraid and need contact with relatives," said Streeck. "The fact that it should no longer be possible for the nurse to come in the morning and the son in the afternoon is not proportionate."

"Left arm flu, right arm corona"

At the same time, doctors and hospital representatives are appealing to at-risk groups to get vaccinated against Covid-19 again. "We have a very low demand for vaccinations," Andreas Gassen, Chairman of the Board of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, told Welt am Sonntag. "Given the enormous public pressure in the past to get vaccinated against corona, this may not be surprising. Many people are understandably tired of being vaccinated. However, this is problematic for risk groups," says Gassen. They should also protect themselves against influenza: "Left arm flu, right arm corona," recommends the head of the health insurance fund.

Markus Beier, Chairman of the German Association of General Practitioners, said: "It is always important to emphasize this: Corona can still be a serious illness for particularly vulnerable groups without appropriate vaccination protection." The same applies to the flu. "In a particularly severe flu season, tens of thousands of people are known to die from this disease."

The German Hospital Federation also appeals: "Anyone who falls under the STIKO recommendation should be vaccinated against Covid. This is the best protection against getting seriously ill yourself and overloading hospitals," explained Gerald Gaß, Chairman of the Board. The situation in hospitals is currently stable. "The number of coronavirus patients is at a low level, even though hospitals are reporting more cases again with the onset of the cold season."




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