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Finance Minister Heinold receives dismissal certificate

Farewell to state politics: Finance minister Monika Heinold receives her termination certificate. The head of government appoints her successor.

Cabinet reshuffle led by Minister-President Daniel Guenter (CDU)
Cabinet reshuffle led by Minister-President Daniel Guenter (CDU)

Withdrawal - Finance Minister Heinold receives dismissal certificate

After twelve years as Finance Minister in Schleswig-Holstein, Monika Heinold (Greens) received her termination document from Minister-President Daniel Günther (CDU). "Monika Heinold has led the affairs of the Finance Ministry with immense responsibility and conscience for twelve years and leaves behind a very well-prepared house," said the head of government. He had already bid farewell to her departure with regret. Heinold can be proud of what she has achieved.

Heinold said, "I have now completed my work, and the younger ones will take over." The 65-year-old thanked the cabinet for their trusting cooperation: "Without you, I would have certainly been stranded. With you, I have always landed safely." She had never thought in her youth that she would become Finance Minister. "Perhaps my career has something to do with the fact that my mother practiced multiplication with me while washing the dishes earlier."

Günther then handed over Heinold's successor, Silke Schneider (Greens), her appointment document. The handover takes place officially on August 1. "With Silke Schneider, an absolutely experienced and proficient successor takes over the office from Monika Heinold," said Günther. He was pleased with the personnel change. The new job is "tailor-made for you."

Schneider expressed her joy about returning to state politics. "And that at a time when things are politically and socially anything but simple. And exactly that has excited me," she said. Starting on Wednesday, she wanted to quietly and quietly prepare for the transition with Heinold.

The future Finance Minister Schneider was most recently President of the Regional Court of Lübeck and also belonged to the Constitutional Court. The 56-year-old was also a State Secretary in earlier state governments from 2014 to 2020, first in the Environment Ministry, then in the Finance Ministry under Heinold.

Patronage and a Poem

Günther presented Heinold with two godparenthoods for seals from the Seal Station Friedrichskoog as a farewell gift. The seals, found in late June and early July, were named Monika and Daniel by the employees. In addition to a voucher for food, Heinold also received an invitation to the planned release of the two seals in mid-August.

Interior Minister Sabine Süterlin-Waack (CDU) recited a poem as a farewell to her cabinet colleague. "But don't give up, Moni, ask.(...) You settle many disputes at their core. For Daniel, you're even willing," it says roughly.

  1. Monika Heinold's replacement in the Finance Ministry is Silke Schneider, who has previous experience in the ministry under Heinold as a State Secretary, serving from 2014 to 2020.
  2. The CDU's Minister-President Daniel Günther, in his role as head of government, praised Monika Heinold's responsible and conscientious leadership of the Finance Ministry for twelve years.
  3. When asked about her departure, Heinold mentioned that she was handing over her duties to younger individuals and expressed gratitude for the trust and support she received from her cabinet colleagues during her tenure.
  4. As part of her farewell gifts, Monika Heinold received two godparenthoods for seals from the Seal Station Friedrichskoog, named after her and Minister-President Daniel Günther, along with an invitation to their release ceremony in mid-August.

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