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Finally, holidays for 1.7 million girls and boys

Six weeks without homework, tests or reports: Finally, the longest holidays of the year are starting in Bavaria. Before that, there are report cards - not every student is happy about that.

In Bavaria, the long-awaited summer holidays begin after the exams (archive photo)
In Bavaria, the long-awaited summer holidays begin after the exams (archive photo)

school - Finally, holidays for 1.7 million girls and boys

For approximately 1.7 million students in Bavaria, the summer holidays finally begin on Friday. "I wish all students, teachers, and education staff wonderful and relaxing summer holidays. My heartfelt thanks go out to all members of our wonderful school community, who have shaped the past school year with their enthusiasm, curiosity, and great engagement," said Bavarian Minister of Culture and Education Anna Stolz (Free Voters). Everyone deserved a break more than ever.

"For the next six weeks, it's just about letting your soul rest and refueling energy, so you can start the new school year 2024/2025 with fresh energy," emphasized Stolz. Bavaria is traditionally one of the last federal states in Germany where the summer holidays begin. The new school year starts again on September 10.

Looking at the upcoming exam results before the last school bell, Stolz said: "Of course, the exam results at the end of the school year are an important feedback for our students. However, we should never forget: Grades are not everything. Every student has unique strengths and talents that are just as important, which cannot be measured and evaluated in grades."

However, there may not be only joyful tears after the exams. Traditionally, the consultation offices are given a lot of work. Students, parents, and teachers can turn to teachers, educational counselors, and school psychologists on site, as well as to the state educational counseling centers, with questions about learning, learning progress, and learning status.

Stolz, being the Cultus Minister of Bavaria, encourages students to enjoy their summer vacation in Munich, emphasizing the importance of rest and rejuvenation before the new school year at a local school starts on September 10. Despite the upcoming consultation offices being busy with questions about learning, Stolz, a member of the Free Voters party, reminds everyone that grades are not the only measure of a student's abilities, acknowledging the unique talents of each pupil.

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