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Fight jets and space: Pistorius with troops of the Luftwaffe

Is the Luftwaffe prepared for future challenges? The Defense Minister intends to form an opinion on this and travels accordingly to North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate.

Bundesverteidigungsminister Pistorius will visit Nordrhein-Westfalen and Rheinland-Pfalz.
Bundesverteidigungsminister Pistorius will visit Nordrhein-Westfalen and Rheinland-Pfalz.

Defense - Fight jets and space: Pistorius with troops of the Luftwaffe

Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) will visit the Rheinland-Pfalz town of Büchel on Thursday (11:00 am) and the Nordrhine-Westphalia town of Uedem to be briefed on the work of the Air Force. According to the Bundeswehr's statements, modern stealth jets of the F-35 type are to be stationed in Büchel in the future, replacing the Tornado combat aircraft completely from 2030. During Pistorius' visit, preparations for this are expected to be discussed. Unconfirmed reports suggest that US atomic weapons are stored in Büchel.

After his visit to the Eifel region, Pistorius will travel to the Bundeswehr Space Command in Nordrhine-Westphalia. The Space Command is responsible for the protection and monitoring of military satellites, military reconnaissance, and observation of hazardous space debris. The command was newly established in 2021.

  1. Boris Pistorius, the Defense Minister from the SDP party, will discuss the preparations for the arrival of modern F-35 stealth jets in the Air Force, which are set to replace Tornado combat aircraft in Büchel, North Rhine-Westphalia, starting from 2030.
  2. Pistorius' visit to the Air Force in Uedem and Büchel is significant given the Bundeswehr's plans to station the advanced F-35 Fight jets in Büchel, bringing a significant shift in Germany's military capabilities.
  3. The future of Germany's military aerospace sector receives attention from Defense Minister Boris Pistorius with his scheduled visit to the Bundeswehr Space Command in Nordrhine-Westphalia.
  4. The US atomic weapons stored in Büchel have remained a topic of discussion, even as the German Defense Minister, Boris Pistorius, prepares to visit the town for an update on the Air Force's operations.
  5. Later in his tour, Boris Pistorius will be visiting the recently established Bundeswehr Space Command in Nordrhine-Westphalia, focusing on the protection and monitoring of military satellites and hazardous space debris in Germany's space defense strategy.
  6. In his visit to Nordrhine-Westphalia, Defense Minister Boris Pistorius will observe the role of the Bundeswehr Space Command in ensuring secure and efficient operations of military satellites and surveillance of hazardous space debris, further emphasizing the importance of Germany's space defense capabilities.

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