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Fewer strawberries due to fluctuating temperatures

Persistent rain and heat have led to a smaller harvest of red fruits in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The end of the season is approaching.

The grape harvest is gradually coming to an end in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. It didn't run quite...
The grape harvest is gradually coming to an end in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. It didn't run quite optimally (Archival image)

Harvest in the North - Fewer strawberries due to fluctuating temperatures

Strawberries glowed the sales stands of many places from afar - now they are gradually becoming fewer. "We had poor yields this year, it was a difficult, rather mediocre season, which was also due to the rain," said Jan van Leeuwen, manager at Glantz Strawberry Farm in Wieschendorf (Nordwestmecklenburg), to the German Press Agency.

The winter had been cold, then it had become relatively warm quickly. The plants had less time to develop. The strawberry harvesting season at Glantz had begun in May and was almost over for this year. Now, according to van Leeuwen, the remaining fruits will be picked from the fields for about four weeks.

After apples comes strawberries

"The open-field harvest is coming to an end," confirmed fruit farmer advisor Rolf Hornig. Protected - for example, in tunnels or on shelves - some strawberries are still ripening longer. "We have methods to ripen the harvest and extend it," Hornig added. Thirty years ago, a strawberry harvest lasted for 30 days - today, the entire strawberry season lasts for 200 days. With so-called remontant, or multiple-bearing strawberry plants, it can be extended further, according to Hornig.

In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, about 600 hectares of strawberries were harvested this year. Strawberries are therefore the second most important fruit in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Apples are in first place.

  1. The impact of the rain during the growing season might have affected not only strawberries but also other Agrarian crops in the Northwest Mecklenburg District.
  2. Despite the challenges, the Ecology of the region has benefited from the rain, providing necessary moisture for the raspberry bushes and other plants.
  3. Nutrition-wise, raspberries and strawberries are both excellent sources of vitamin C and antioxidants, making them popular choices for health-conscious consumers in Schwerin and other cities in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
  4. The poor temperature conditions this year might have led to smaller berries in size, but the quality of the raspberries and strawberries in terms of taste and nutrients remain high.
  5. The German Press Agency reported that farmers are exploring innovative techniques to overcome obstacles like weather conditions and plant development timelines, such as using controlled environment facilities for long-season harvests of strawberries and raspberries.
  6. Despite the challenges, the future of Agrarian farming in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern remains promising, with potential for expansion of berry farming and the development of new, resilient strains of strawberries and raspberries.

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