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Fewer investigations for jaywalking in Saxony, 2023

The Germany ticket alleviates Saxony's justice system. Since its introduction, fewer cases of illegal parking have been investigated - the responsible minister is also in favor of the offer.

A ticket controller woman at work (illustration)
A ticket controller woman at work (illustration)

Justice - Fewer investigations for jaywalking in Saxony, 2023

Since the introduction of Germany tickets about a year ago, there have been fewer investigative proceedings regarding so-called "Schwarzfahren" at the prosecutor's offices in Saxony. The number of cases with the accusation of fraud of this kind decreased significantly according to the statistics of the Justice Ministry, with the exception of the month of June. In total, there is a decrease of almost 1,000 cases for 2023 compared to 2022 - from 8,296 to 7,312. The statistics do not include the proceedings in which Schwarzfahren is one of several accusations, explained a ministry spokesperson. Therefore, the actual number of registered crimes of this type is higher.

"The Germany ticket not only provides improved mobility at lower prices, but it also noticeably relieves the Justice system," commented Justice Minister Katja Meier (Greens) on the development and spoke of a "relief effect" in prosecution. This creates capacities for more pressing challenges in crime fighting. Therefore, it is "essential that the attractiveness of the ticket lasts permanently," she pleaded for the retention of the affordable offer.

The Deutschlandticket, introduced in May 2023 for €49, allows unlimited and nationwide travel on buses and trains of the regional and local transport in Germany. The subscription is monthly and serves as an important instrument for the standardization and simplification of the confusing tariff situation in German public transport. The financing is disputed between the federal government and the states, as revenue losses at the transport companies must be offset. In the past week, the federal government set the course for the price to remain stable this year - a price increase is announced for 2025.

  1. Despite the decrease in investigative proceedings related to "Schwarzfahren" in Saxony, the Ministry of Justice clarified that the statistics do not include cases where Schwarzfahren is one of several accusations.
  2. In response to the decreased number of investigative proceedings, Justice Minister Katja Meier from the Greens praised the Germany ticket, stating that it provides a relief effect in prosecution.
  3. The decreased number of investigative proceedings regarding traffic offenses, such as "Schwarzfahren," can be attributed to the implementation of the Germany-ticket, which has provided improved mobility at lower prices.
  4. The impact of the Germany-ticket on traffic-related crimes, like evasive driving, has been substantial in cities like Dresden, leading to a noticeable reduction in criminality.
  5. The Ministry of Justice in Germany is closely monitoring the impact of the Germany-ticket on various forms of criminality, including investigative proceedings related to traffic offenses, to determine its long-term impact.

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