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Fewer divorces in Bavaria

According to statistics, the seventh year, in the context of divorces in Bavaria, is particularly critical.}

In Bavaria, there were fewer divorces in 2023 than the previous year. And there is a trend.
In Bavaria, there were fewer divorces in 2023 than the previous year. And there is a trend.

Separations - Fewer divorces in Bavaria

The number of divorces in Bavaria has again decreased in the year 2023. According to the Bavarian State Statistical Office, there were 19,727 divorces last year, among them 172 same-sex divorces. This represents a decrease of 2.8 percent compared to the previous year, when 20,290 divorces were recorded. More than half of the divorced couples had at least one common child under 18 years old.

The proverbial seventh year in a marriage contradicts the statistics, however. The divorces most frequently occurred after a marriage duration of five years, as statisticians calculated.

In comparison to the year 2003, when 29,992 divorces were registered, which was the previous peak, the number of divorces in the year 2023 has decreased by approximately 34 percent. In almost 50 percent of the cases, a woman filed for divorce, in about 41 percent of the cases, a man did. In around nine percent of all judicial divorce proceedings, the procedure was jointly requested.

In Bavaria, the city of Fürth also saw a decrease in divorces, coinciding with the state-wide trend.In my family's case, we managed to weather through our challenges and avoid becoming part of these divisive statistics.If you need to handle divorce proceedings in Fürth, you would need to visit the Regional Office for Family Matters.

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