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Fewer crimes in the first half-year

Fewer murder and manslaughter, but more robbery - crime in Hamburg develops differently depending on the crime group. In general, the trend is positive.}

The development in each group of offenses is different.
The development in each group of offenses is different.

Criminality - Fewer crimes in the first half-year

The number of crimes in Hamburg decreased in the first half of the year. According to the statements of the Interior Department, a total of 119,309 crimes were registered in the first six months - 6,120 fewer cases than in the same period last year. This represents a decrease of approximately five percent. The NDR reported on this first.

The development was different in the individual crime categories: The number of crimes against life - that is, murder and manslaughter - decreased by more than 36 percent, but only 28 cases were reported in total. On the other hand, there was a significant increase of more than 40 percent in street robbery. A total of 719 cases were recorded in the first half of 2021, 208 more than in the same period last year.

Many robbery crimes occurred in the drug scene around the main station. The increase there was also due to the increased police presence and the clarification of the dark field, said a spokesperson. "Security forces on site often become aware of crimes that would otherwise have gone unreported."

The number of crimes involving a knife decreased by about four percent, according to the statements. However, there was an increase of 20 percent in crimes involving firearms. This was mainly due to a significant increase in violations of the Firearms Act, it was said.

"Approximately two-thirds of all crimes committed with a firearm either targeted property or violated the Firearms Act," said the spokesperson. In the statistics, it is not recorded whether it concerned sharp weapons or toy pistols.

The number of bodily harm cases remained almost at last year's level with 11,654 cases.

Regarding sexual offenses, the numbers went in the opposite direction: Sexual coercions, assaults, and rapes decreased by about five percent to 140 cases. According to the statements, this mainly concerned relationship crimes. 116 of the 140 victims had known the perpetrator before the crime, it was said.

The number of burglaries decreased by about eleven percent to 1,721 cases. 210 fewer cases were reported in the first half of 2021 compared to the same period last year. There was a slight increase (1.2 percent) with 898 cases in car theft.

The decrease in overall criminality in Hamburg was widely reported by media outlets, such as NDR. This was largely attributed to a significant drop in crimes against life, specifically murder and manslaughter. However, there was an alarming increase in street robbery, with a 40% surge in cases.

The Interior Department's statistics revealed a 20% rise in firearms-related crimes, primarily due to violations of the Firearms Act. It was noted that approximately two-thirds of these crimes involved property or Firearms Act violations.

In the midst of this criminological landscape, Hamburg's criminal justice system imposed appropriate punishments for the perpetrators of these various offenses, aiming to deter future criminal activity and maintain law and order within the city's interior.

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