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Fewer asylum-seekers in Schleswig-Holstein

Over 3,000 people sought asylum in Schleswig-Holstein in the first half of the year. Fewer than in the previous year's period. There were also departures.

The number of asylum seekers in Schleswig-Holstein has recently decreased.
The number of asylum seekers in Schleswig-Holstein has recently decreased.

refugees - Fewer asylum-seekers in Schleswig-Holstein

In Schleswig-Holstein, there were fewer asylum seekers who arrived in the first half of the year compared to the first six months of the previous year. According to the statements from the State Office for Migration and Refugees, from January to June, 3,368 people came to the northernmost federal state from other countries than Ukraine. Most of the people were from Syria, Afghanistan, and Turkey.

In the previous year's timeframe, 4,175 people had come to Schleswig-Holstein. In the entire year 2023, the number of asylum seekers from other countries than Ukraine was 10,138. Additionally, according to the Foreigners' Register, there were 39,421 refugees from Ukraine registered in the north by the end of June, who had left the country due to the Russian invasion.

According to the given information, 371 people voluntarily left in the first half of the year, while 620 did so in the entire year 2023. 156 (2023: 199) were expelled, and 123 (207) were sent to other European countries responsible according to the Dublin Regulation.

In response to the ongoing war in Ukraine, a significant number of refugees sought asylum in Schleswig-Holstein. Despite the overall increase in asylum seekers in 2023, the number of migration from countries other than Ukraine decreased in the first half of the year compared to the previous year. The reduction was noticeable, with 3,368 individuals arriving in the first six months of 2022 contrasting to 3,368 in the same period of 2023.

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