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Few homeless in Saxony-Anhalt accommodated

It is difficult to determine the number of homeless people in Germany. Not all of them make use of shelter options in winter. There is only one census per year.

In Sachsen-Anhalt, there were hardly any homeless housed at the end of January, almost nowhere in...
In Sachsen-Anhalt, there were hardly any homeless housed at the end of January, almost nowhere in Germany.

Homelessness - Few homeless in Saxony-Anhalt accommodated

In only a few German states are there as few homeless people accommodated as in Saxony-Anhalt. According to the Statistical State Office, 985 people had been provided with accommodation due to homelessness at the end of January this year. This represented 0.2% of all accommodated homeless people in Germany. Even fewer accommodation options or permanent housing had been made available in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (745 people).

The largest number of accommodated homeless people were reportedly in North Rhine-Westphalia (105,000) and Baden-Württemberg (92,672).

One year ago, on the reference date, there had been 1,980 homeless people in Sachsen-Anhalt. While the number of accommodated homeless people in Sachsen-Anhalt decreased significantly within a year, it increased significantly in North Rhine-Westphalia and Baden-Württemberg. In the opinion of experts, fluctuations are common as homeless people move between German states.

The low number of accommodated homeless individuals in Saxony-Anhalt contrasts with the high figures in regions like North Rhine-Westphalia and Baden-Württemberg, according to German state statistics. As per the Regional Office's data, only 0.2% of Germany's total accommodated homeless population resides in Saxony-Anhalt, which is significantly lower than other states. Despite this, the number of homeless people in Saxony-Anhalt decreased significantly over the past year.

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