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Fellow inmate stabbed Derek Chauvin 22 times

Details from the indictment

Chauvin is serving a long prison sentence for the manslaughter of George
Chauvin is serving a long prison sentence for the manslaughter of George

Details from the indictment - Fellow inmate stabbed Derek Chauvin 22 times

There is a stabbing in Tucson prison on Black Friday. The ex-policeman who was convicted of the murder of African-American George Floyd was attacked. Apparently Derek Chauvin only just escaped with his life.

Following the knife attack on the former police officer who was sentenced to many years in prison for the murder of African-American George Floyd, new details about the crime have emerged. According to the public prosecutor's office on Friday (local time), the attacker stabbed Derek Chauvin 22 times with a knife in the prison library. The crime took place a week ago in a prison in Tucson in the US state of Arizona. The public prosecutor's office is accusing the attacker of attempted murder.

The 52-year-old told the prison guards that he would have killed Chauvin if he had not been stopped, according to a court document. He had planned the crime for around a month. He later testified that he had no intention of killing him.

Chauvin's fellow inmate had attacked the 47-year-old ex-policeman last week on Black Friday. According to the indictment, he wanted to remind people of the Black Lives Matter movement, which is directed against the widespread police violence against black people in the USA. The 52-year-old faces 20 additional years in prison for attempted murder in the case. He is also alleged to have stabbed another inmate more than 20 times. No details were given about Chauvin's condition after the attack.

Famous victim

In May 2020, Chauvin, a white police officer, pressed his knee into the neck of George Floyd, a black man arrested in Minneapolis for a suspected counterfeit 20-dollar bill, for around nine and a half minutes, despite Floyd repeatedly complaining that he could no longer breathe. The 46-year-old African-American died as a result.

Floyd's complaint "I can't breathe" went around the world and became a slogan of the anti-racism movement Black Lives Matter. The case sparked mass protests against racism and police violence in the USA and many other countries.

In June 2021, Chauvin was sentenced to 22 years and six months in prison for second-degree murder - in German law, this is roughly equivalent to manslaughter in a serious case. A few days before the knife attack on Chauvin, the US Supreme Court had rejected an appeal by Chauvin against his conviction.

Lesen Sie auch:

In response to Derek Chauvin's conviction for manslaughter in the USA, the penal system has faced scrutiny on an international level. The attempted murder charge against Chauvin's attacker, who stabbed him 22 times in prison, adds complexity to discussions about the penal system and its processes.

The international community is closely watching the scheduled trial of the inmate accused of attempting to murder Chauvin, given his high-profile status as the former police officer convicted of murder and manslaughter in the death of George Floyd.


