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Federal Police announced more controls in the border area

A family of four children on the train and three men in the car - due to the recent influx of people without residence permits in Bavaria, the police will intensify their controls.

Because recently several people illegally traveled from Austria to Bavaria, the Federal Police will...
Because recently several people illegally traveled from Austria to Bavaria, the Federal Police will conduct more checks.

Unauthorized Entry - Federal Police announced more controls in the border area

Due to an increase in unlawful entries from Austria, the Federal Police announced strengthened controls in the districts of Mühldorf am Inn and Altötting. Those primarily affected would be the train connections from Simbach am Inn and the Autobahn 94, the officers stated.

For instance, in mid-July, an Russian family - consisting of a father, mother, and four children - had unlawfully entered with the train from Austria. And a few days prior, three men with Turkish citizenship had unlawfully entered Germany by car.

  1. The Federal Police in Bavaria implemented the use of automated checks at several entry points in the border area with Austria, aiming to combat the rising criminality associated with unlawful migration.
  2. In response to the escalating issue of migration-related criminality, the Federal Police in Mühldorf on Inn and Altötting have increased their presence along the Autobahn 94 and railways, particularly near the entry points from Austria.
  3. The strengthened control measures by the Federal Police in Mühldorf on Inn and Altötting also extend to the train station in Simbach am Inn, where numerous unlawful entries from Austria have been reported.
  4. The Federal Police in Bavaria have been working closely with their Austrian counterparts to tackle the issue of unlawful migration and associated criminality, with enhanced cooperation in the border area between the two countries.
  5. The spokesperson for the Federal Police in Mühldorf on Inn emphasized that the increased controls are not intended to target any specific nationality but rather to ensure compliance with migration laws and address criminality in the border area with Austria.

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