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Federal funding supplement for Rochlitzer Grundschule (million)

Most primary school children in Saxony are also looked after all day. After learning to read, write or calculate, they play and laugh in the school building - and in doing so, they also need a nice environment.

For the renovation of the Rainbow-Primary-School, the city Rochlitz receives over 1.6 million Euros...
For the renovation of the Rainbow-Primary-School, the city Rochlitz receives over 1.6 million Euros from the Federal Investment Programme.(picture)

school building - Federal funding supplement for Rochlitzer Grundschule (million)

The city of Rochlitz receives over 1.6 million Euros for the renovation of the Rainbow-Primary School from the Federal Investment Program. According to a press release from Saxony's Regional Development Ministry, the funds will support the expansion of all-day care. This "financial injection" is a decisive step to make the institution "an even better place of learning and growing" for the little ones, stated Amtschef Thomas Schmidt (CDU). A modern learning environment positively affects the learning success of children. Therefore, the school building will be expanded by three classrooms, a teacher's room, and sanitary facilities. Additionally, around 280 children will receive new outdoor facilities. In total, approximately 2.4 million Euros are budgeted for the project.

The investment program also extends to other elementary schools in Saxony, aiming to improve education and social facilities. The renovation of an elementary school in Dresden, for instance, is under consideration, featuring the addition of communal areas and updated classrooms. Promoting education and creating a conducive learning environment is a key focus of this investment program across the region.

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