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FDP proposes three-step plan against educational disruptions

Teaching absences in Saxon schools have been a problem for years. The FDP wants to address the issue fundamentally and also bring administrative personnel into the classrooms.

Dresden: The Saxon FDP plans to combat school closures in schools with a bundle of measures.
Dresden: The Saxon FDP plans to combat school closures in schools with a bundle of measures.

School closure for instruction - FDP proposes three-step plan against educational disruptions

The Saxon FDP aims to prevent school absences in Saxon schools with a Three-Step Plan. "The first and most important priority should be to remove school absences from the curriculum. The fact that the Culture Ministry speaks of 'planned absences' is a confession", explained Robert Malorny, leading candidate for the September 1st state election. The concept includes short-, medium- and long-term measures, with the goal of reforming the educational site, overcoming the teacher shortage, and reducing school absences perspectively to zero.

Short-term, the Liberals plan to withdraw teachers from administration and place them before the classes. In addition, other administrative officials are to transmit their expertise to schools - for example, financial officials teaching mathematics or forest officials teaching biology. Furthermore, the FDP plans to hire so-called learning companions who could supervise self-learning and free time.

"Medium-term, we must relieve teachers of additional tasks and dig more time for teaching", emphasized Malorny. This can be done by bringing personnel for IT, administration and social work to the schools and advancing digitalization to ease the workload for teachers. Artificial intelligence applications - such as correcting assignments - should also be considered. The FDP Saxony also proposes reducing bureaucracy and streamlining structures.

Long-term, the Saxon FDP plans educational reform and teacher training reform. Students and students for teaching should be trained more practically in the future and appear before the classes earlier than before, it was stated. Furthermore, the teacher training should be more anchored in the regions outside the major cities. The effects of the teacher shortage are particularly noticeable in rural areas. The Democrats also propose updating the curricula and focusing on efficient content transmission.

  1. The FDP's Three-Step Plan to decrease school absences in Dresden, as part of the State election in Saxony, includes addressing the issue at both the school and Ministry of Culture levels.
  2. In accordance with the FDP's short-term plan, certain administrative officials, such as financial officers teaching mathematics or forest officers teaching biology, may be deployed to Saxon schools to help fill the teacher shortage.
  3. During the medium-term, the FDP aims to lessen the workload of teachers in Saxony by bringing in IT, administration, and social work personnel to the schools and furthering digitalization.
  4. As part of their long-term strategy for educational reform, the Saxon FDP intends to train future students and teachers more practically in regional areas, with a focus on curricula updates and efficient content transmission to mitigate the impacts of the teacher shortage.

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