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Father and uncle dead - Accused: I struck him

Murder trial at Hamburg District Court.Did a man kill two close relatives? He confessed on the first day.

The accused covers his face.
The accused covers his face.

Murder trial - Father and uncle dead - Accused: I struck him

A man is accused of killing his father and uncle with a knife in Hamburg. The trial began at the Hamburg Court. The 32-year-old man, through his lawyer, admitted to having stabbed them. Unfortunately, that's how it unfolded. The court has not yet given an assessment of the statements as a confession. The man is charged with murder and manslaughter.

Background of the attack in Hamburg-Billstedt, according to the defender's statements, was a dispute over the placement of the 32-year-old in a psychiatric hospital.

During the indictment reading, the public prosecutor stated that the father was defenseless during the attack, making it a heinous crime. The attack on the uncle should be considered manslaughter. Before the trial began, the public prosecutor assumed a reduced culpability of the defendant due to a psychological condition. Whether this is the case will be determined by the proceedings.

Are there murder elements present?

Before the defendant's statements were read, the defense attorney spoke. He stated that the accusation had "created confusion." He was disturbed that the prosecution believed the father was defenseless when the son attacked him. It was different, the lawyer said. The older men had wanted to take the son to a psychiatric hospital against his will. Before the knife attack, there had been a confrontation during which pushing had occurred.

The presiding judge emphasized that it must be determined during the trial if there are murder elements present. Heinous crime is a so-called murder element. Heinous crime is committed by someone who exploits anger and defenselessness.

Defendant: Father threatened with clinic

According to the defendant's statements through his lawyer, his father had put pressure on him with the intention of committing him to a psychiatric clinic. The father had threatened that he would take him to a clinic or a worse place.

The father, according to the 32-year-old's statements, had allegedly spoken with a doctor to obtain a corresponding referral. The father and doctor had winked at each other, the son claimed. In the doctor's office, he had asked the doctor to discard the referral.

Before the attack occurred, he had been sitting in the car, the defendant stated. He had felt that he was being kidnapped. His uncle was also in the car. Then he had lost control. Once during the outburst, he had stabbed his father. Then the uncle had intervened, and he had also attacked him with the knife. Afterward, he had fled, according to the defendant.

Court dates set until October

At the end of his statement, the defendant stated: He now believed that his father had meant well. However, he should not have put him under pressure and deceived him.

The defendant was born in Hamburg. His nationality was not mentioned during the trial. The court press office did not immediately provide the defendant's nationality upon request. The trial will continue next Thursday. The court has set preliminary trial dates until October 7.

  1. During the trial at the Hamburg District Court, the public prosecutor's office presented the indictment, stating that the defendant's stabbing of his father was a heinous crime due to the father's defenselessness.
  2. The defense attorney argued before the indictment reading that the accusation against the defendant had created confusion, as he claimed his father had threatened to commit him to a psychiatric clinic and had attempted to deceive him.
  3. The man's lawyer argued during the court proceedings that the defendant's psychological condition should be considered in assessing his guilt, as they assumed a reduced culpability before the trial began.

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