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Famous advertising warning text gets a new version

For risks & side effects ...

Audiovisual advertising must adapt to the new
Audiovisual advertising must adapt to the new

Famous advertising warning text gets a new version

Anyone who cannot cope with a medication or is struggling with the side effects should contact the relevant specialists. For years, this has been the message of a small advertisement for pharmaceutical products. However, this will change at the end of the year.

Sometimes advertising slogans manage to become something like winged words: "Nothing is impossible", or "Stinginess is cool." However, a rather sober warning text that only complements the advertisement itself has also become a classic. "For risks and side effects, read the package leaflet and ask your doctor or pharmacist," has been the message for more than 30 years. In the summer, the Bundestag passed an update to the mandatory information in drug advertising outside specialist circles. After a transitional period, the change in the law comes into force on December 27.

"Read the package leaflet for information on risks and side effects and ask your doctor or pharmacist" is the new formula, which is already being used in commercials. According to the Federal Ministry of Health, this is intended to take account of gender equality policy aspects. The existing reference had been "the subject of discussion for years due to the use of the generic masculine". And you can't just ask male experts.

Only four seconds

In the commercials, the reference was already spoken quickly. In a statement on the plans, the Federal Association of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers also pointed out that the new, somewhat longer sentence could not be spoken professionally within the "established time span of four seconds".

Shortly before the official entry into force, however, the future legal requirement was not an issue for pharmaceutical associations. The ministry explained that companies would incur "one-off conversion costs", but that these should be minimal. In addition, there may be higher advertising costs due to "the slightly longer text to be spoken in audiovisual advertising".

The amendment also addresses the demands of professional associations. This is because female doctors and psychotherapists are making up an increasingly large proportion of female practitioners. Taken together, the proportion of women exceeded the 50 percent mark for the first time and stood at 50.7 percent, according to the Federal Register of Physicians at the end of 2022.

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