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Expert: Range loss for right-wing contents

The ban on 'Compact' is a harsh blow for the far-right magazine. Few other publications had significance for skeptics, sovereign citizens, and right-wing scenes.

David Fromm, extremism expert ofRevhtsextremismuse.eV, regards the ban on the magazine as a blow...
David Fromm, extremism expert ofRevhtsextremismuse.eV, regards the ban on the magazine as a blow against right-wing content (archive image).

Prohibition of 'Compact' - Expert: Range loss for right-wing contents

Question: What is the significance of the magazine?

David Begrich: One can without exaggeration say that "Compact" has developed into the most important and influential magazine in the political sphere of the AfD. "Compact" is much more than just a magazine. It is a propaganda platform, a mobilization machine, and much more than just a printed magazine. In addition, there is a special issue program, a book program, and a daily news broadcast on YouTube.

Question: What does the ban mean?

Begrich: One must distinguish between two types of media in right-wing extremism. The first are media and magazines that are more inwardly oriented. They function as self-explanatory organs of the political and ideological core. Work is mainly done on theoretical matters here. And then there are these outwardly oriented publications for the public. "Compact" was certainly the largest of these. The ban means an extreme loss of reach for right-wing extremist content.

Question: Which groups did the magazine address?

Begrich: It addressed all groups in the "Reichsbürger," Querdenker, or Corona denier scene. This is a very heterogeneous milieu of right-wing, esoteric, and extremist groups. One aspect we should not forget: "Compact" was long a reliable multiplier of Russian propaganda. Already in 2010/2011, long before the Ukraine War, Putin's wisdom was praised. However, the attempt to create a broad front organization from left to right did not work. That was also the reason why "Compact" sought an affiliation with the AfD.

About David Begrich: David Begrich is active at the Right-Wing Extremism Office of Miteinander e.V. in Magdeburg.

The ban on "Compact" magazine significantly impacted the reach of right-wing extremist content in Saxony-Anhalt, as it was the largest outwardly oriented publication in the region. According to David Begrich, the magazine addressed a heterogeneous milieu of right-wing, esoteric, and extremist groups, including the "Reichsbürger" and Querdenker scenes, and frequently served as a multiplier for Russian propaganda. As the most influential magazine in the political sphere of the AfD, "Compact" functioned as a propaganda platform and mobilization machine, which made its ban a significant blow to the far-right party's media presence. The German Press Agency reported on the ban, highlighting the seriousness of the situation and the potential consequences for right-wing extremism in the region.

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