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Exotic bird caught on country road

Strange use of police and animal protection in Speyer: Pedestrians discovered a 'very large bird' on a country road.

A Nandu was found on a field path near Speyer. The origin of the wandering bird is still unclear.
A Nandu was found on a field path near Speyer. The origin of the wandering bird is still unclear.

South American Art - Exotic bird caught on country road

Police and animal welfare organizations have captured a South American running bird on a country road in Dudenhofen (Rhineland-Palatinate District). According to the police, the animal is a Nandu.

Pedestrians discovered a "very large bird" on Thursday and reported it to the police. The animal was reportedly captured unharmed and is now at an animal shelter. The origin of the free-roaming Nandu, according to the police, is currently unclear. The running birds are native to South America.

The Nandu was found in the Rhineland-Palatinate District, specifically in Dudenhofen. The local animal protectors and police worked together to safely capture the bird, which is now residing in a Speyer-based animal shelter. Despite the efforts to identify its origins, the exact level of its time spent in freedom remains unknown.

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