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EU-funds for municipalities to accommodate refugees

The accommodation and care of refugees cost cities, municipalities and districts a lot of money. The European Union provides support.

The accommodations and care for refugees cost municipalities a lot of money. The EU provides...
The accommodations and care for refugees cost municipalities a lot of money. The EU provides funding in the millions.

Migration - EU-funds for municipalities to accommodate refugees

The Municipalities in Rhineland-Palatinate receive an EU funding of over five million Euros for accommodating Refugees. "The reception, care and integration of Refugees pose permanent challenges to countries and municipalities which can only be addressed collectively," stated Integration Minister Katharina Binz (Greens) in Mainz.

The expansion and strengthening of communal infrastructure with EU funding is a central building block for the asylum system. The Rhineland-Palatinate municipalities thus benefited from additional funds, as they had already been allocated 265 million Euros by the Federal and State governments for the reception and integration of Refugees in 2024. Binz emphasized this.

The European Union has made 100 million Euro available to Germany from the Asyl, Migration and Integration Fund to support the creation of accommodation capacities for refugees. In Rhineland-Palatinate, funds in the amount of around 5.1 million Euros were allocated, Binz revealed. The entire amount will be passed on to the municipalities.

The EU funding of over five million Euros is specifically allocated for the Municipalities in Rhineland-Palatinate to provide Accommodation for Refugees. This alignment with the European Union's Asyl, Migration and Integration Fund is part of a broader initiative to support Migration and Refugee Integration. The Mayor of Mainz, a significant Commune within Rhineland-Palatinate, acknowledged the collective responsibility of addressing these challenges.

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