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EU-Building Directive: Decision against "eager implementation"

In the coming years, the EU will also improve the carbon balance of the building sector. In Lower Saxony, a warning is issued against further housing construction cost increases.

The new EU building regulation may increase housing costs, fears Economy Minister Lies.
The new EU building regulation may increase housing costs, fears Economy Minister Lies.

Housing construction - EU-Building Directive: Decision against "eager implementation"

In light of the recently enacted EU Building Regulations, Niedersachsen's Economy Minister Olaf Lies (SPD) warned against hasty implementation. The housing market is already struggling. "It would be incomprehensible to me if we were to hinder ourselves through hasty implementation of these EU plans," Lies told the "Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung."

The Brussels requirements would make construction more expensive through the back door, the politician explained. The Niedersachsen state parliament had recently passed an amendment to the Niedersachsen Building Ordinance, which abolished many regulations. This was intended to make housing construction in Niedersachsen simpler, faster, and cheaper in the face of the housing shortage.

The Housing and Real Estate Industry Association in Niedersachsen also expressed concerns. "Affordable housing is more endangered than ever," said Association Director Susanne Schmitt to the newspaper. "We demand that in all planning related to the EU Building Energy Efficiency Directive, the financial performance capability of social housing companies and the affordability of energy measures for tenants with medium and low incomes be taken into account."

The directive, which came into force at the end of May, requires, among other things, that the energy consumption of residential buildings must be reduced by 16% by 2030 compared to 2020.

  1. Olaf Lies, the Economy Minister of Lower Saxony and a member of the SPD, voiced his concerns about hastily implementing the EU Building Regulations, as highlighted in the Hannover General Newspaper.
  2. The recently passed amendment to the Niedersachsen Building Ordinance in the state parliament aims to simplify, speed up, and reduce costs for housing construction in Hannover, in response to the housing shortage.
  3. In response to the EU Building Energy Efficiency Directive, which came into effect at the end of May, the Housing and Real Estate Industry Association in Lower Saxony expressed concerns about the potential impact on affordable housing, warning that it may become even more endangered.
  4. Susanne Schmitt, the director of the Housing and Real Estate Industry Association in Lower Saxony, expressed her concerns to the Hannover General Newspaper, stating that financial performance capability and affordability of energy measures for tenants with medium and low incomes must be considered in all EU planning-related directives.
  5. As a member of the European Union, Germany, including its cities like Hannover and regions like Lower Saxony, must comply with the EU Building Energy Efficiency Directive, which requires a 16% reduction in energy consumption for residential buildings by 2030 compared to 2020.

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