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EnBW constructs a massive wind farm in the North Sea.

"He Dreiht" departs from Borkum island

The transition pieces for the "He Dreiht" offshore wind farm are already being transported.
The transition pieces for the "He Dreiht" offshore wind farm are already being transported.

EnBW constructs a massive wind farm in the North Sea.

Located in the North Sea, the largest wind farm ever constructed on the high seas is currently being built by the energy giant EnBW. This wind farm is set to supply electricity for over a million and a half households by the end of 2025. The first foundations will be laid on Saturday, announced board member Peter Heydecker in charge of Sustainable Generation Infrastructure.

EnBW is building their colossal wind farm, dubbed "He Dreiht", approximately 85 kilometers northwest of Borkum Island and approximately 110 kilometers west of Helgoland. The planned wind farm holds an installed capacity of 960 megawatts. This project will nearly double EnBW's offshore portfolio.

CEO Georg Stamatelopoulos addressed the German government's plan of generating at least 30 gigawatts of electricity from offshore wind farms by 2030, stating that a wind farm of this magnitude needs to be completed every three months to meet the goal. He also noted that significant acceleration and support is necessary. Offshore wind farms could potentially become the cornerstones of the energy transition with a capacity utilization of around 4,000 hours per year.

"He Dreiht" is one of the largest Energiewende projects this year, costing around 2.4 billion euros. The wind farm is one of the first offshore wind projects to be constructed without government subsidies. Bosch, Deutsche Bahn, Fraport and Evonik have all signed long-term purchase agreements with EnBW, which cover a significant portion of the projected electricity volume. The venture attracts significant attention from international investors, with a consortium consisting of Allianz Capital Partners, AIP, and Norges Bank Investment Management owning a 49.9% stake in "He Dreiht".

Despite the scale of the project, EnBW does not foresee any supply problems during the construction phase. Stamatelopoulos mentioned in general regarding Energiewende projects that "We are thin on the ground in Europe." Both capital and workforce availability are issues that need to be addressed. The latest generation of wind turbines from Vestas will be used in the "He Dreiht" project. The massive rotors on these turbines, measuring 236 meters in diameter and standing 142 meters high, sweep an area of nearly 44,000 square meters in just one rotation - the equivalent of six soccer fields.

One rotation of a 15 megawatt turbine generates enough electricity to power four households for an entire day. Around 120 kilometers of underwater cable plus another 110 kilometers of land-based cable will connect "He Dreiht" to the existing power grid. Over 500 employees are expected to work on the project at its peak, utilizing around 60 ships to assist in the construction.

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The North Sea wind farm being constructed by EnBW, dubbed "He Dreiht", is expected to contribute significantly to the country's energy transition, supplying electricity for over a million and a half households by 2025. This shift towards wind energy is aligned with Germany's plan to generate at least 30 gigawatts of electricity from offshore wind farms by 2030. The successful completion of projects like "He Dreiht" will require significant acceleration and support from the government, as offshore wind farms could become the cornerstones of the energy transition with a capacity utilization of around 4,000 hours per year. EnBW's "He Dreiht" project, largely funded without government subsidies, is attracting interest from international investors, such as Allianz Capital Partners, AIP, and Norges Bank Investment Management.




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