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Emergency call for an intensive care patient with travel requirements

Due to a repeatedly wayward and rejected asylum applicant, the Ilm-Kreis has now turned to the Free State of Thuringia as well. Authorities consider the man uncontrollable.

An uncontrollable asylseeker in Weimar Land. Archive photo
An uncontrollable asylseeker in Weimar Land. Archive photo

Criminal Asylum Seeker - Emergency call for an intensive care patient with travel requirements

The Weimar Land district and the city of Apolda have sent out a plea to the state due to a seriously threatening intensive care patient, an asylum seeker whose identity has been recorded three times. In an open letter to Minister-President Bodo Ramelow (Left), the chairwoman of the district Christine Schmidt-Rose and Apolda Mayor Olaf Müller (both CDU) wrote:

Growing concern in the population

"We are compelled to write this letter as concerned citizens have been contacting us and resistance in the population has been growing once again, putting social peace at risk," it says in the letter. Since his entry into Germany, this man has been involved in numerous criminal offenses. These ranged from drug offenses, smuggling, defamation to bodily harm.

He has therefore been in custody several times and returned to an asylum accommodation in the Weimar Land each time. In the accommodation and in the city of Apolda, he was repeatedly noticed and caused numerous police interventions, it was stated. Most recently, he caused four police interventions within 24 hours after his release from investigative detention in early July and was eventually taken into compulsory custody.

Appeal to Minister-President

"These latest incidents have once again shown that this criminal is not controllable," write the chairwoman and the mayor. They urged Ramelow to take appropriate measures to put an end to the activities of this person - be it by re-distributing him to another district or city.

The asylum seeker, according to the information available, was suddenly assigned to the Weimar Land in early May because the responsible Ilm-Kreis could no longer cope with the situation and was urgently seeking a transfer from the state.

  1. Due to the asylum seeker's history of criminality, which includes drug offenses, smuggling, defamation, and bodily harm, causing numerous police interventions in Apolda, the chairwoman and mayor of Weimar Land and Apolda, both from the CDU, have made a help request to Minister-President Bodo Ramelow of Thuringia.
  2. In their open letter, Christine Schmidt-Rose and Olaf Müller expressed their concern, as they have been receiving numerous complaints from concerned citizens and resistance in the population is growing, potentially threatening social peace.
  3. The asylum seeker, who has been involved in numerous criminal offenses and has been frequently returned to an asylum accommodation in Weimar Land after being in custody, recently caused four police interventions within 24 hours after his release, prompting him to be taken into compulsory custody.
  4. With the latest incidents demonstrating the asylum seeker's uncontrollability, the chairwoman and mayor urged Minister-President Ramelow to take appropriate measures, such as re-distributing him to another district or city.

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