weather - DWD warning for heavy rain weather
The German Weather Service (DWD) in Essen has issued a thunderstorm warning for North Rhine-Westphalia. According to the DWD, there may be showers and strong thunderstorms this afternoon and evening. Thunderstorms with heavy rain up to 25 liters per square meter in a short time are possible. The north and northeast of NRW are likely to be affected, with extremely heavy rain not excluded. In the eastern half, hail is also possible. The thunderstorms are expected to move eastward towards Monday night and weaken. Monday is expected to be mostly dry.
The thunderstorm warning issued by the DWD on Sunday extends to North Rhine-Westphalia. Today's weather in North Rhine-Westphalia might include rain from these thunderstorms. Keep an eye on the weather updates provided by the DWD, as heavy rain and potential hail may pose risks in certain areas.