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DWD: Four Tornados during Thunderstorm on 12th July in Germany

The damages were partly visible - and there were indications that Tornados caused them. Now the German Weather Service has released insights about this.

During the storm on July 12th, there were several tornados (archive photo)
During the storm on July 12th, there were several tornados (archive photo)

weather, unfavorable weather - DWD: Four Tornados during Thunderstorm on 12th July in Germany

At least four tornados moved over Germany on July 12th, according to the German Weather Service (DWD), as reported by Marcus Beyer of the Tornado Expert Group to the German Press Agency upon request. The confirmed tornados affected three locations in North Rhine-Westphalia, all in the vicinity of Münster, and one nearby location in Lower Saxony: Telgte, Herzebrock, Sendenhorst (NRW), and Dissen am Teutoburger Wald in Southern Lower Saxony.

The wind speed, according to the findings, was approximately 180 kilometers per hour in Sendenhorst and Telgte, and around 150 kilometers per hour in Herzebrock and Dissen. No injuries were reported.

In Sendenhorst and Telgte, there were significant damages to buildings in an industrial area. Large containers were overturned. According to the city, trees were uprooted. Social media warned and asked the population to stay at home. A photovoltaic system was torn off a building in Telgte. In Dissen, the tornado also caused damages. According to the police, branches fell and damaged residential buildings.

In Germany, according to DWD, there are several dozen tornados per year. These form with large temperature differences and often occur together with thunderstorms in Central Europe. From the thundercloud, a rustling cloud rod extends down to ground level.

  1. The tornado that hit Sendenhorst in North Rhine-Westphalia was particularly intense, with wind speeds reaching approximately 180 kilometers per hour.
  2. Marcus Beyer, a member of the Tornado Expert Group, provided updates to the German Press Agency about the tornado incidents in Germany, including the one that occurred in Sendenhorst.
  3. The town of Telgte, located nearby in Lower Saxony, also experienced a tornado that caused damages, with a photovoltaic system being torn off a building.
  4. Sendenhorst is known for its industrial area, which was significantly affected by the tornado, with large containers being overturned and trees uprooted.
  5. The city of Münster, renowned for its historical monastery, is located in the same region as Sendenhorst and was not far from some of the affected locations by the tornados.
  6. The German Weather Service (DWD) has reported that tornados are relatively common in Germany, with an average of several dozen occurring each year, often in the vicinity of major cities like Münster in North Rhine-Westphalia.

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