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Drunken driver insults police officers and misbehaves

A 49-year-old man drove against traffic multiple times with his car. Eventually, he ended up in police custody - and later in the hospital.

Federal police stopped the drunk driver. (Picture)
Federal police stopped the drunk driver. (Picture)

Eichstaett District - Drunken driver insults police officers and misbehaves

With over 3.6 promilles, a driver in Landkreis Eichstaett drove in snake lines and against traffic, then resisted police officers and sustained minor injuries himself. According to the police, the 49-year-old also drove his car into the path of another vehicle on the Autobahn 9 near Denkendorf on Sunday.

In Hepberg, witnesses reported that his car frequently drove into oncoming traffic and onto the sidewalk. There was nearly a collision with a cyclist. A patrol of the Federal Police stopped the 49-year-old in Denkendorf and found a prohibited knife in his vehicle, as reported.

He is said to have hit his head multiple times against a window

Furthermore, at the police station, he reportedly resisted the blood draw, insulted and spat at the police officers. Eventually, he was taken into custody in a cell, where he reportedly caused disturbances and hit his head multiple times against a window. Consequently, he passed out and was taken to a hospital according to Police.

He now has to account for himself regarding endangering road traffic, resisting execution officers, and violating the weapons law.

In this incident, the reckless driving took place in the Eichstätt District, specifically in Upper Bavaria, where the driver disobeyed traffic rules severely. Despite the presence of counter traffic snake lines, the individual chose to drive against the flow, endangering other vehicular traffic. Upon being apprehended by the police on Sunday, an automatic system detected a prohibited knife within his vehicle. Despite subsequent resistance and acts of criminality, including resisting the blood draw, insulting, and spitting at officers, he was taken into custody and later hospitalized due to self-inflicted injuries.

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