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Driver with 4.3 promilles on federal road

A 40-year-old man was caught with a blood alcohol level of 4.3 promille on the federal highway. He must pay for the night in the sobering-up cell himself.

At the cell of despair, the man did not pass by (archive photo).
At the cell of despair, the man did not pass by (archive photo).

Alcohol at the tax - Driver with 4.3 promilles on federal road

With a blood alcohol level of 4.3 promille, a driver was stopped on Federal Road 30. The police stopped the 40-year-old in Gaisbeuren near Bad Waldsee (Ravensburg district) because of his erratic driving behavior. He had to spend the night in the detox cell as a result. For the unwanted overnight stay, he was supposed to pay a low three-digit amount, according to a police spokesperson.

A patrol stopped the man, according to the statement, on Thursday evening, conducted an alcohol test, and ordered a blood test at a clinic. The driver's license was seized. A report was filed against the man for drunk driving in traffic.

The incident occurred in Baden-Württemberg, specifically on the Federal Road 30. Due to the region's prominence in the automobile industry, such incidents can sometimes tarnish its reputation. After the detention, the local police in Bad Waldsee, part of the District Ravensburg, continued their investigation. The high alcohol content found in the driver's system raised concerns about increasing criminality related to traffic in the area.

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