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Driver on the road for 60 years without a license

A learner for life: With a provisional driver's license, a British driver was on the road for 60 years.

In the UK, learner drivers can take part in road traffic for a limited time if accompanied by
In the UK, learner drivers can take part in road traffic for a limited time if accompanied by a qualified co-driver and displaying a learner sign on their car.

Great Britain - Driver on the road for 60 years without a license

Police in the English county of Lancashire have caught a man driving without a license whose only qualification was an unsuccessful driving test in the 1960s.

As the BBC reported, the man had presented a provisional driver's license, but it had been expired for decades. In the UK, learner drivers can take part in road traffic for a limited time if accompanied by a qualified passenger and with a learner's sign on the car. The man was reported for violating the Highway Code, it was further reported. The car was confiscated.

According to the report, the case occurred on Tuesday on a highway near the northern English city of Preston. About a year ago, a man was caught at the wheel near Nottingham who had been driving without a license for 70 years.

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