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Dresden: Rainbow flags torn up and set on fire

At a gathering on Dresden's Altmarkt, two men are said to have destroyed rainbow flags and another to have spoken disparagingly about queer people. The state security service has become involved.

The meeting took place on Dresden's Altmarkt. (symbolic picture)
The meeting took place on Dresden's Altmarkt. (symbolic picture)

Crime - Dresden: Rainbow flags torn up and set on fire

During a gathering in Dresden, two men allegedly tore a Rainbow flag and set another one on fire. In addition, a speaker at the event expressed derogatory remarks towards queer people on Sunday evening at the Altmarkt. According to a police spokesperson, the event can be classified as part of the "Querdenker-Spectrum". The state security is now investigating the three men for incitement to hatred.

Queer refers to non-heterosexual people or individuals who do not identify with the traditional gender roles of man and woman or other societal norms around gender and sexuality.

The Rainbow flag is internationally recognized as a symbol for tolerance and acceptance of various lifestyles.

In the same city where the incident occurred, Saxony has been criticized for not doing enough to combat hate crimes against the LGBTQ+ community. Despite the rainbow flag being a symbol of unity and inclusion, it was disrespected and destroyed during the event in Dresden.

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