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Dohnanyi supports Wagenknecht's Russia course

Olaf Scholz's politics towards Russia are facing criticism from many sides. Particularly harsh criticism is coming from a founding member of his own party now.

SPD-Cornerstone Klaus von Dohnanyi criticizes the Russia policy of the Chancellor (archive image)
SPD-Cornerstone Klaus von Dohnanyi criticizes the Russia policy of the Chancellor (archive image)

Russia-Policy - Dohnanyi supports Wagenknecht's Russia course

Founder Sahra Wagenknecht receives support for her Russia politics from an SPD elder. The former Hamburg mayor Klaus von Dohnanyi criticized both his own party and Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz in the Funke Media Group newspapers. "In the SPD, hardly anyone criticizes that the Chancellor only advocates for cannons and not at the same time for negotiations. I regret that very much. That's why I support Sahra Wagenknecht, because she engages in negotiations with Russia." He is also for that.

The 96-year-old emphasized that the SPD has drawn its strength from two roots in its history, peace and social politics. "Since the SPD has cut off the root of peace politics, it deserves no better election results than it gets today," said von Dohnanyi.

In response to the comment in the interview that it seems he is quarreling with his SPD, he answered: "The word 'quarreling' is not sufficient. I believe that the SPD is betraying itself at the moment." However, von Dohnanyi does not think about party exit. "The SPD must put up with me – as I put up with it," he emphasized.

  1. Sahra Wagenknecht, a prominent figure in the SPD, has received backing for her Russia-related policies from a distinguished SPD elder.
  2. Klaus von Dohnanyi, the former mayor of Hamburg, voiced his criticism towards his own party and Chancellor Olaf Scholz in various Funke Media Group publications.
  3. Von Dohnanyi expressed regret that his party primarily advocates for weapons instead of negotiations, particularly in regards to conflicts with Russia.
  4. Wagenknecht's engagement in negotiations with Russia is something that von Dohnanyi wholeheartedly supports.
  5. Germany's SPD has historically drawn its strength from two essential aspects: peace politics and social policies.
  6. As the SPD has neglected its peace politics foundation, von Dohnanyi believes that the party should not expect better election results.
  7. Despite his critical stance, Klaus von Dohnanyi does not entertain the idea of leaving the SPD, instead stating, "The SPD must endure me – as I endure it."

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