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Documentation center for art history gets new building

Millions of images of artworks are being stored in Marburg. Now they are getting a new home.

Marburger Documentation Centre for Art History gets new building (archival image)
Marburger Documentation Centre for Art History gets new building (archival image)

Art and Architecture - Documentation center for art history gets new building

The German Documentation Center for Art History, also known as Bildarchiv Foto Marburg, is opening its new building today. With approximately 2.6 million images, the Documentation Center claims to be one of the largest archives for European art and architecture.

The construction of the research building between the University Quarter and the historic Old Town took around four years. Previously, the staff were spread out across several locations throughout the city. Now, they have access to around 2,500 square meters on four floors, with 821 square meters specifically designated for archives. The federal and state of Hessen each invested nearly 10 million Euros in the construction. The total costs amount to roughly 25 million Euros.

The new build of the Documentation Center for Art History in Marburg, Germany, is a testament to modern Architecture. Its opening marks a significant milestone in the city's history, providing a central location for art history research. The University is excited about the new facility, as it will enhance the study of Art and Art history. The Documentation Center's extensive collection and resources make it a valuable addition to the city's cultural landscape, attracting scholars from around Europe. The new building's construction was a collaborative effort between the federal and state government of Hesse, reflecting their commitment to preserving and promoting Art history in the region.

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