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Documentation center for art history expands

Millions of images of works of art are stored in Marburg. Now they have a new home.

The building is now completed and occupied after nearly four years of construction.
The building is now completed and occupied after nearly four years of construction.

Art and Architecture - Documentation center for art history expands

The German Documentation Center for Art History, also known as Foto Marburg Image Archive, has moved into its new building after four years of construction. With approximately 2.6 million images, the Documentation Center claims to be one of the largest European art and architecture image archives.

Until now, the staff were spread out over several locations throughout the city. Now, they have access to approximately 2,500 square meters in the research building between the University Quarter and the historic Old Town across four floors, with 821 square meters specifically designated for archives. The federal and state of Hessen each invested nearly 10 million Euros in the construction. The total cost is around 25 million Euros.

The minister of science in Hessen, Timon Gremmels (SPD), stated, "This is a unique place in a time when sharing photos or videos thanks to modern technology takes only seconds."

It is a "research institution where our national and international photographic memory, along with the preservation of cultural and art historical documentary photographs, will not only be secured and preserved for other institutions but also for future generations."

  1. The new build of the German Documentation Center for Art History in Marburg, Hesse, is a testament to Germany's commitment to preserving its Art History, having invested nearly 10 million Euros overall.
  2. In the rich history of Marburg, the move of the Documentation Center for Art History into its new building marks a significant milestone in the field of Architecture and Art.
  3. Prior to the new construction, the center's staff operated from various locations, with the new building providing a centralized location with 2,500 square meters of research space.
  4. The relocation and renovation of the Documentation Center for Art History has emboldened the landscape of Art and Art History studies at the University in Marburg, Germany.
  5. The opening of the new Documentation Center for Art History in Marburg's University Quarter has facilitated an easier access to Art and Art History resources for scholars and students alike, contributing to the expansion of knowledge in the field.

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