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Doberman bites Chihuahua dead

Shock for a dog owner: A large dog rushes at her small Chihuahua while walking on the street - with disastrous consequences.

A Chihuahua is believed to have been bitten to death by another dog - the police are looking for...
A Chihuahua is believed to have been bitten to death by another dog - the police are looking for the owner (Illustration photo)

Dog attack - Doberman bites Chihuahua dead

A stray and unleashed Dobermann is believed to have bitten a Chihuahua to death in Neu-Ulm. The police are now looking for the owner of the Dobermann as well as witnesses to the incident, which is said to have occurred last Friday a week ago. The Chihuahua's owner was walking with her two small dogs, named Gassi. Then, the Dobermann is said to have run from a cornfield and rushed at one of the small Dogs. The woman was able to save her other dog and fled. The dead Chihuahua was found on a field. A witness later saw a person with a Dobermann in the vicinity.

  1. The woman was planning to visit several gas stations in Bavaria the following day to distribute flyers about the missing and potentially dangerous Dobermann, hoping to gather more information about the incident in New-Ulm.
  2. The police, during their investigation, noticed an unusual increase in criminality around gas stations and have advised pet owners to be extra cautious when filling up their vehicles.
  3. Upon learning about the incident, a group of trained Dogs from a local police department were sent to help search for the Dobermann's owner and potential witnesses in the New-Ulm area.

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