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Dispute over financial crisis at Jena University Hospital

The CDU levels severe reproaches against the state due to the greatest clinic's financial misery in the free state and speaks of a real crisis. The state health insurance association also joins in.

The CDU-Fraction calls for a quick solution to the financial problems (archive image)
The CDU-Fraction calls for a quick solution to the financial problems (archive image)

clinical crisis - Dispute over financial crisis at Jena University Hospital

The financial crisis of the University Hospital in Jena continues to cause controversial debates in Thuringia. The CDU fraction is calling for a joint special session of the Landtags committees for Health and Economics regarding the economic situation of Thuringia's only University Clinic. However, the Thuringian Hospital Society points out that the financial situation of other clinics in the state is also "disastrous."

"Veritable Clinic Crisis" in Thuringia

Andreas Bühl, the parliamentary business manager of the CDU fraction, stated that the University Hospital is facing a "veritable clinic crisis." In the proposed special session, the state government should explain when they became aware of the economic problems of the University Clinic and what effects it will have on the state budget. "Red-Red-Green has wasted an entire election period in healthcare policy and is in the same sleeping car as Federal Health Minister Lauterbach on the topic of hospital reform."

The FDP in the Landtag supports the initiative of the CDU. FDP health politician Robert-Martin Montag stated that the financial reserves have been exhausted because the hospital has largely financed its investments in the past on its own.

However, the Left state chairman Christian Schaft accused the CDU of creating panic: "The hospital operation and care provided by the University Hospital are secure. The law is clear on this. The financing is secured across the board." He urged all parties to discuss the specific issues and for the CDU to stop spreading uncertainty and playing on people's fears to gather votes.

Discussions on Credit and State Subsidies

The Ministry of Science has announced further talks with the Finance Ministry by early August. They are considering the possibility of a loan taken out by the hospital in conjunction with a state subsidy. The Ministry also plans to inform the relevant Science Committee in its next meeting on August 21 about the current situation.

The University Hospital in Jena is struggling financially due to higher prices for energy and wage increases, causing significant cost increases. The hospital states that the reimbursement for treatments under the current legal regulations is not cost-covering.

The University Hospital in Jena, with 1,400 beds for patient care, includes 32 clinics and polyclinics and more than two dozen research institutes and scientific working groups with approximately 7,000 employees.

Critical situation requires financial relief

The Thuringian Hospital Society pointed out in an open letter that other Thuringian hospitals have been bearing costs for necessary investments for many years. Therefore, any decision that improves the financial situation of Thuringian hospitals - regardless of their ownership - is welcome. Other federal states have already implemented significant special programs for this purpose, according to the Association. A Thuringian healthcare system without a performing University Medicine is hardly imaginable, and comprehensive patient care without care hospitals is impossible.

The free state announced, due to the financially difficult situation of hospitals, it will establish a guarantee program for clinics in economic distress. According to previous statements, a volume of 100 million Euro was planned for this. The land intends to secure loans with the guarantees that hospitals would have to take on for financing cost increases. However, the votes on this are still ongoing.

  1. The financial crisis at the University Hospital in Jena has sparked a 'Clinic Crisis' in Thuringia, leading to heated debates in the State Parliament.
  2. The CDU fraction is demanding a special session of the Landtags committees for Health and Economics to discuss the economic situation of Thuringia's only 'University Clinic'.
  3. The CDU's parliamentary business manager, Andreas Bühl, described the situation as a "veritable clinic crisis," accused the previous government of neglect, and questioned its impact on the state budget.
  4. The FDP in the Landtag supports the CDU's initiative, with FDP health politician Robert-Martin Montag citing exhausted financial reserves and the hospital's self-financed investments as reasons.
  5. Meanwhile, the Left state chairman, Christian Schaft, accused the CDU of creating panic and urged all parties to focus on specific issues instead of spreading uncertainty.
  6. In response to the crisis, the Ministry of Science is considering a loan for the hospital in conjunction with a state subsidy, with further talks scheduled between the Science and Finance Ministries.
  7. The University Hospital in Jena, facing financial hardship due to energy price increases and wage raises, pleads for cost-covering reimbursement for treatments under current legal regulations.

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