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Discussions about fuel element production in Lingen planned

In Lingen, elements for European nuclear power plants have been produced for decades. A possible cooperation is viewed skeptically by some. Discussions are expected in November.

The planned cooperation between a Russian atomic energy company and the fuel element factory in...
The planned cooperation between a Russian atomic energy company and the fuel element factory in Lingen caused many objections (archive image)

Atomic energy - Discussions about fuel element production in Lingen planned

In the context of the planned cooperation between a Russian atomic energy company and the fuel element factory in Lingen (Emsland district), there are scheduled discussions in November regarding the consideration of objections. The Environmental Ministry in Hannover announced this. The scheduled dates are from the 19th to the 22nd of November.

The project requires approval from Lower Saxony. There was a public consultation, according to the Environmental Ministry, which received approximately 11,000 objections. Environment Minister Christian Meyer (Greens) views the plans critically. "The concern about external and internal security issues such as sabotage, espionage, and influence from the aggressor Russia is great," said the minister in a statement.

In Lingen, fuel elements for European nuclear power plants have been produced for over four decades. The company Advanced Nuclear Fuels (ANF) intends to produce fuel elements for Eastern European nuclear power plants of Soviet design there in the future. This is intended to make power plants in Eastern Europe independent of deliveries from Russia. In order to manufacture the Russian fuel element type, the French ANF mother company Framatome intends to enter into a cooperation with a subsidiary of the Russian state atomic energy holding Rosatom.

  1. The discussion about potential objections to the cooperation between the Russian atomic energy company and the Lingen fuel element factory, located in the District Emsland of Lower Saxony, is set to take place between November 19th and 22nd.
  2. The project requiring approval from Lower Saxony has sparked significant opposition, with the Environmental Ministry in Hannover reporting around 11,000 objections during a public consultation.
  3. Environment Minister Christian Meyer (Greens) of Lower Saxony has expressed concern about the security implications of the proposed cooperation between ANF and Rosatom, citing concerns of sabotage, espionage, and influence from aggressive Russia.
  4. The company Advanced Nuclear Fuels (ANF) in Lingen, with a history of producing fuel elements for European nuclear power plants, aims to produce fuel elements for Eastern European nuclear power plants with Soviet design to make them less reliant on Russian deliveries.
  5. To manufacture the Russian fuel element type, Framatome, the French mother company of ANF, intends to collaborate with a subsidiary of the Russian state atomic energy holding Rosatom, this partnership being a significant event in the Asian and European nuclear power sectors.

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