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Decommissioned U-Boat U17: Through narrow serpentines to the museum

The sorted-out U-boat Huckepack sails over water and land from Kiel via Speyer to Sinsheim. There are only a few kilometers left now after many months.

Museum guide: It's extremely crowded today.
Museum guide: It's extremely crowded today.

Technical History - Decommissioned U-Boat U17: Through narrow serpentines to the museum

The former Marine-U-Boat U17 from Kiel had to face a difficult stretch on its last kilometers during its transport. A heavy load transporter, with approximately 50 meters long steel colossus, crept through the narrow streets of several places in the Rhein-Neckar-District. Numerous onlookers photographed the unusual convoy under a clear sky.

On its way to the Technik Museum in Sinsheim, where U17 is supposed to arrive on Sunday, the respectful exhibit had to master several serpents. Carefully, driver Frieder Saam maneuvered Transporter and Cargo through the narrow curves.

"It's extremely tight and a big challenge today," said a museum spokeswoman. "We had various modifications along the way." Among other things, traffic signs and lamps had to be temporarily removed. The ground also had to be adjusted repeatedly, for example, by laying down plates.

The roughly 350-tonne U-Boat was in service from 1973 to 2010. After talks with the Federal Defense Ministry and the Bundeswehr, a loan agreement was concluded with the Technik Museen Sinsheim Speyer. Over a year ago, a portal crane lifted the exhibit in Kiel onto a floating platform. Since then, it has been gradually approaching its goal.

The first stop was Speyer (Palatinate). There, among other things, tonne-heavy batteries were dismantled to reduce the transport weight. At the end of June, U17 started its last journey to the Kraichgau. The entire project costs the museums around two million Euros and is mainly financed by donations.

  1. The Technical History of the former U-Boat U17 is a fascinating tale, with its origins in the city of Kiel in northern Germany.
  2. The transportation of U17 from Kiel to Sinsheim in Baden-Württemberg was no ordinary task, requiring the skill of experienced drivers like Frieder Saam.
  3. On this journey, U17 had to navigate through the winding streets of the Rhein-Neckar-District, an area known for its dense urban development.
  4. In the charming town of Speyer, located in the Rhineland-Palatinate, the submarine underwent significant modifications to make its transport more manageable.
  5. Museums across Germany, including those in Kiel and Speyer, played a crucial role in the preservation of this historic artifact, demonstrating the importance of these institutions in promoting our nation's Technology and Defense History.
  6. Hamburg's shipping industry, with its robust transport infrastructure, played a crucial role in the initial movement of the U-Boat from Kiel, highlighting the interconnectedness of Germany's various regions.
  7. On a serene Sunday, the people of Sinsheim eagerly await the arrival of the U-Boat U17, a testament to both their passion for Museums and their proud Technical History.

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