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Dangerous staircase fall at Uelzen station will be restaged

Did an 18-year-old kill an older man in the station building of Uelzen? The police hope to clarify this unusual incident.

The police will reconstruct the staircase fall at Uelzen station as realistically as possible...
The police will reconstruct the staircase fall at Uelzen station as realistically as possible (archive image)

Criminal case - Dangerous staircase fall at Uelzen station will be restaged

A 55-year-old man's fatal fall down the stairs at Uelzen Station is set to be reenacted today, according to a police spokesperson. Officers will be on site in the evening to record the incident as accurately as possible. The investigators currently believe that an 18-year-old pushed or kicked the older man, causing him to fall several steps. The man died at the scene due to head trauma despite revival efforts.

The officers plan to take a picture of the scene first thing in the evening. The staircase fall is then to be reenacted. It's possible that a doll might be used for this, the police spokesperson said. The police also started a witness appeal in the case on Friday to gather more information.

The 18-year-old suspect is in custody. The prosecutor's office accuses him of manslaughter. The young adult is reportedly silent according to the Police. He is therefore an accepted asylum seeker from Morocco. It is still unclear whether he was under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time, a spokesperson for the prosecutor's office said. The blood sample has not been evaluated yet. The authorities will not comment on a possible motive until the investigation is completed.

The fatal incident at Uelzen Station in Lower Saxony occurred at the train station's staircase. The police are reenacting the staircase fall as part of the criminal investigation at the same location where the incident occurred. Despite the young suspect's silence, the police and the prosecutor's office are conducting a thorough investigation, including analyzing a potential drug or alcohol influence, in the criminal case related to the young man's alleged pushing or kicking.

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