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Dangerous lockkeeper accident: Charges against the suspected driver

The driver of a smuggling vehicle crashed while attempting to evade police. Seven passengers in the overcrowded vehicle died. The prosecutor's office has now pressed charges against the suspect.

After the fatal traffic accident in Oberbayern, Germany, in October 2023, the Traunstein Public...
After the fatal traffic accident in Oberbayern, Germany, in October 2023, the Traunstein Public Prosecutor's Office filed charges against the alleged driver.

Seven Dead - Dangerous lockkeeper accident: Charges against the suspected driver

Seven-fold Murder, the Prosecutor's Office Traunstein, has accused the driver of a smuggler vehicle in Upper Bavaria. The authority reportedly filed charges against the suspect. The 25-year-old is alleged to have driven a minibus with 22 migrants from Austria to Bavaria in October 2023. During the escape from the police, he lost control of the vehicle on Autobahn 94 near Ampfing (Mühldorf am Inn district), causing it to overturn. Seven passengers died.

Additionally, the Prosecutor's Office accuses the man of having undertaken three further smuggler trips in September 2023, during which he transported a total of 46 people under life-threatening conditions to Bavaria.

Apart from murder, the indictment also includes charges of commercial and dangerous smuggling of foreigners, as well as illegal racing resulting in death. The Jury Court at the Landgericht Traunstein must now decide whether there will be a trial against the 25-year-old. The Prosecutor's Office Traunstein already filed charges against three alleged organizers of the fatal smuggler trip on Tuesday.

  1. The turnkey vehicle, a minibus, carried 22 migrants from Austria to Bavaria, with the incident occurring in October 2023.
  2. The incident took place on Autobahn 94 near Ampfing, which is located in the Mühldorf am Inn district of Upper Bavaria.
  3. The driver of the smuggler vehicle, a 25-year-old individual, is currently under investigation by the Public Prosecutor's Office in Traunstein, Bavaria.
  4. The Public Prosecutor's Office has accused the suspect of undertaking three additional smuggler trips in September 2023, transporting a total of 46 individuals under hazardous conditions.
  5. Apart from the seven-fold murder charge, the indictment also includes allegations of commercial and dangerous smuggling of foreigners, as well as illegal racing resulting in a death.
  6. Austrian authorities have expressed concern over the increasing number of smuggler vehicles and the associated criminality on its border roads, especially in the Upper Bavaria region.
  7. The traffic police in Bavaria have stepped up their patrols and are working closely with the Public Prosecutor's Office to prevent such accidents and bring those responsible to justice.
  8. The news of the fatal smuggler trip and subsequent indictment has sparked a public debate about migration policy and border control in both Austria and Germany.

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