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Dangerous Bear Shot at Lake Garda

Three weeks ago, KJ1 attacked a jogger from France. Despite protests, she was shot. For another dangerous bear, another solution has been found: she will be sent to Germany.

Three weeks ago, a woman in Trentino attacked a French tourist. She has now been shotdead.
Three weeks ago, a woman in Trentino attacked a French tourist. She has now been shotdead.

After the Attack on Tourists - Dangerous Bear Shot at Lake Garda

In the Italian Alps, authorities have shot a bear that had become a threat to tourists. The bear, designated KJ1, was located in the northern Italian province of Trentino using its collar and then killed, as announced by the provincial government in Trento. The bear had attacked and seriously injured a 43-year-old French jogger near Lake Garda three weeks ago. Many Austrian citizens are currently spending their summer holidays in Trentino and the neighboring region of South Tyrol.

The bear, which was roaming with three cubs near the municipality of Tenno, had previously shown "problematic behavior" several times, such as being near inhabited areas or approaching people elsewhere. The provincial administration reported at least seven such incidents. KJ1 was considered a "dangerous specimen" that needed to be removed immediately. Animal rights activists tried to prevent its killing through legal means, but without success.

Incidents involving bears and humans occur frequently in Trentino. Last year, a 26-year-old jogger was even killed by a bear. This bear, designated JJ4 and known as Gaia, is set to be relocated to Germany in the coming weeks. A enclosure is currently being built for her at the "Alternative Wolf and Bear Park" in Bad Rippoldsau-Schapbach in the Black Forest. Unlike the bear that was just killed, Gaia was captured alive and is currently housed in a enclosure near Trento.

The "Alternative Wolf and Bear Park" houses animals that have been rescued from distressing situations. This includes the brown bear Jurka, Gaia's mother. Gaia's brother Bruno was the first bear to set foot on Bavarian soil in 170 years in the summer of 2006. The "problem bear" was shot in the Bavarian Rotwand area. Once in Germany, Gaia will not be on display. Her enclosure will not be visible to visitors.

Thebear's aggressive behavior towards tourists necessitated an emergency situation, leading to its removal. Due to repeated incidents of the bear posing a threat to locals and visitors, it was deemed necessary to declare an emergency situation.

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