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Danger for bees: Asian hornets in Saxony soon?

The Asian hornet is feared as a bee-thief. While it is spreading in other federal states, it has not been sighted in Saxony yet. A matter of time?

Dreaded Wasp killer: The Asian hornet is spreading in Germany.
Dreaded Wasp killer: The Asian hornet is spreading in Germany.

Trapped Insect - Danger for bees: Asian hornets in Saxony soon?

The Asian Hornet, which has been introduced to Europe, is spreading to other federal states in Germany, but there is still no evidence of it in Saxony. There have been 41 reports since the spring, said Karin Bernhardt from the State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology to dpa inquiry. However, none of these cases involved the invasive insect.

Starting from the advancing spread in western federal states, it is also expected to find findings in Saxony. The State Office had distributed a targeted letter to beeskeepers at the beginning of April, calling for observations of the Asian Hornet (Vespa velutina).

To rear their larvae, they prey on other Insects. "In urban areas, honeybees can make up to two thirds of their food," explained Bernhardt. It is therefore to be expected that these hornets will be easiest to find at beehives if they settle in the Free State.

Beekeepers in alarm

"We should not underestimate the new threat to our bees," therefore appealed the Saxon Beekeepers Association in a circular to its members. "Massive losses are the result of an invasion of this hornet species."

Recently, it had been reported from North Rhine-Westphalia and Baden-Württemberg that these insects were spreading strongly there. In NRW, there had been over 100 sightings from January to May, according to reports. In Baden-Württemberg, they are now reportedly widespread. Last year, 550 nests were found there - a twentyfold increase compared to the previous year. Experts expect up to 1000 nests for this year.

Recognizing the Asian Hornet

The Asian Hornet is smaller than its European relative, but more aggressive. In addition, it is a little darker. It waits for bees on their hive and kills them in flight.

Originally from Southeast Asia, it was probably brought to Europe via imported goods. The Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) first detected it in Germany in 2014, near Karlsruhe.

The Saxon State Office asks for any reported sightings with photo to be sent to the Art Protection Referat via email. "Early recognition is essential for the effectiveness of countermeasures," emphasized Karin Bernhardt from the State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology.

Asian Hornet Species Profile of the State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology

  1. Despite the spread of the Asian Hornet in other German federal states, there's no evidence of it in Saxony's ecology yet.
  2. The anticipated progression of the Asian Hornet in western states might lead to discoveries in Saxony's nature.
  3. Beekeepers in Saxony are worried, as the Asian Hornet (Vespa velutina) can cause significant losses to honeybees.
  4. In urban areas, up to two-thirds of honeybees' food source comes from other insects, increasing the likelihood of Asian Hornet sightings at beehives.
  5. In Baden-Württemberg, the Asian Hornet has become widespread, with experts predicting up to 1000 nests this year, a drastic increase from the previous year.
  6. The Asian Hornet is smaller than its European counterpart, yet more aggressive, and it waits for bees on their hive before killing them in flight.
  7. Any reported Asian Hornet sightings with photos should be sent to the Art Protection Referat of the Saxony State Office to facilitate early recognition and effective countermeasures.

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