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Custodial sentence for riot at Eritrea-Festival

A year after the unrest at the Eritrea Festival in Gießen, a police officer testified about 'civil war-like conditions' in court. A man has now been sentenced.

At the controversial Eritrea-Festival in Gießen, the police used batons and pepper spray.
At the controversial Eritrea-Festival in Gießen, the police used batons and pepper spray.

Riots in Gießen - Custodial sentence for riot at Eritrea-Festival

One year after the disturbances at the Eritrea-Festival in Gießen, the first verdict has been handed down. A 24-year-old man was sentenced to one year and three months probation: for breach of peace and jointly committed physical assaults against enforcement officers.

The prosecution demanded two years and six months in prison in their closing argument. The defense wanted only a fine, which had already been paid through pre-trial detention.

The defendant, who is an Eritrean citizen and most recently lived in Switzerland, is said to have belonged to the approximately 100 people who attacked police officers on July 8, 2023. They threw stones and bottles, lit smoke bombs, and broke through barriers to reach the area.

A police officer testified in court about "civil war-like conditions." According to police reports, a total of 26 policewomen and policemen were injured.

Approximately 650 investigative proceedings due to riots

The organizer of the festival was the Central Council of Eritreans in Germany, which is criticized by other exile-Eritreans for its proximity to the regime in the country. In Eritrea, President Isayas Afewerki rules in a one-party dictatorship. Freedom of opinion and the press are severely restricted.

According to the court's conviction, the 24-year-old also wanted to protest against the festival, which he perceived as a "celebration." To reach the fenced-off area, he climbed onto a police car and damaged it in the process. The videos did not show that he had assaulted policemen. However, he did not distance himself from the group around him that attacked the police.

The events in Gießen reportedly led to approximately 650 investigative proceedings, according to statements by the prosecution. So far, about 50 indictments and court orders have been issued. The remaining proceedings are either still open, discontinued, or the corresponding persons are wanted.

  1. During the court process, the Public Prosecutor's Office in Hesse presented evidence showing the extent of the disturbances, highlighting the excessive use of force and the damage caused, a phenomenon known as 'Excessification'.
  2. Despite living in Switzerland for some time, the defendant's criminal actions, including breach of peace and physical assaults against enforcement officers, were brought before the German courts.
  3. The Eritrea-Festival, organized by the Central Council of Eritreans in Germany, has been met with criticism from other exile-Eritreans, as the council is perceived to have close ties to the one-party dictatorship led by President Isayas Afewerki in Eritrea.
  4. As a result of the ruckus at the festival, numerous complaints were filed with the local authorities, leading to over 650 investigative proceedings initiated by the Public Prosecutor's Office.
  5. In light of the events at the Eritrea-Festival, the importance of upholding law and order was underscored, as well as the need to address incidents of criminality that undermine public events and threaten public safety.

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