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Currently no air traffic at BER

At BER Airport, flights have been halted due to technical issues. The airport company expects machines to be able to take off again soon.

On Frankfurt airport's Friday morning, no machines took off first.
On Frankfurt airport's Friday morning, no machines took off first.

journey starts - Currently no air traffic at BER

At Berlin Brandenburg Willy Brandt Airport BER in Schönefeld, no planes are taking off or landing currently. "Due to a technical disruption, there are delays in processing. Flight operations are suspended until 10 am", said an airport spokesperson. She provided no details about the cause. According to RBB reporting, there was a server failure and several backup systems allegedly failed. However, there was no confirmation of this.

  1. The disruption at Berlin Brandenburg Airport BER in Schönefeld has significantly increased the travel time for air traffic, affecting many people planning journeys from Berlin's capital city airport.
  2. Despite the issues at Berlin Brandenburg Airport, Berlin's other smaller airport, Schönefeld, continues to handle air traffic, offering an alternative for travelers looking to fly out or arrive.
  3. The closure of air traffic at Berlin Brandenburg Airport has caused a ripple effect, as countless business trips and vacations are disrupted, adding to the inconvenience of this unexpected turn of events.
  4. The Berlin Brandenburg Airport, also known as Berlin-Brandenburg Willy Brandt Airport, is Germany's capital city airport and plays a crucial role in connecting Berlin with other destinations, making delays at the airport a noteworthy inconvenience.
  5. By not providing specific details about the technical disruption causing the delays, the airport spokesperson left many passengers wondering how long they would have to wait and how it would impact their Air Traffic plans over the following days.

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